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Taking my gf out question


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Should I give my gf a couple options to choose to what she wants to do or should I just choose what I think the best date option is and just do it?


She's been your gf for awhile now, what have you been doing so far?


For me, I like deciding *together* what would be fun, he makes suggestions or I do. I'm pretty open and flexible though so may leave it up to him.


But some women prefer the man to do all the deciding and planning.


It's an individual thing, why don't you ask her what *she* prefers?


In a relationship, there is this thing called "communication" where you talk to each other to learn likes/dislikes, what you both enjoy doing etc etc etc.


Have you been doing that? I'm not being flip, from past threads you seem pretty "green" when it comes to relationships.

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Lol just asked him that!


Hope he answers cause yeah a bit weird he's just asking this "now."


What have you been doing Roz, Netflix and chill?


I asked again because he tends to avoid answering questions and also tends to contradict himself.


OP, does she still only agree to go out when there's alcohol involved?

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She asked me out on our first three dates. I didn’t consider them “dates” then because this was literally the girl I once wish just knew I existed and I didn’t want to get ahead of myself. I just assumed she wanted to hangout.. anyways...

The next 4 times was me who asked her out to do specific things.

Then she suggest that we hangout and we planned it together. We did one thing she wanted to go do and then I added on a second thing to end the night.

After that she just started coming over and we’d watch a show together that we are interested in.


I was just wondering how women like men to be once they are in a relationship with him.


Should I always try to make the plans like where to eat exactly or where to go and just assume that she will tell me if she wants to do something specific.


I guess I can easily just talk to her about it and eventually I’ll become a master with what to do in time.


A few days ago I really thought about us and I realized how happy she makes me feel. I realized that she put me through a hell of an emotional roller coaster and I feel like when the ride finally came to a stop, I must have felt sick and tired of her which caused me to become distant. Now that I had some time to really think and realize, I have never been this happy in my life. She wasn’t just a chase. She’s the girl I’ve been crazy about for years. There is no way I will ever hurt her. A few days ago I was completely vulnerable to her. I told her all about my issues from ex’s and why I’m so secretive. I just told her everything and she was so warm and caring that I’ve never felt from another female.

There’s just no way I will ever want something more in a partner.

I may even sound like I’m getting too far ahead of myself, but for the first time in my life, this person just might be as in love with me equally as I am in love with them.

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It’s because I’ve heard that girls want to feel like they are constantly being pursued/taken out on dates even when they have been in the relationship for years.

I feel like it would be important for a guy to take his gf or wife out on surprise dates once a week or so.

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It’s because I’ve heard that girls want to feel like they are constantly being pursued/taken out on dates even when they have been in the relationship for years.

I feel like it would be important for a guy to take his gf or wife out on surprise dates once a week or so.


You’re just going to “hear” more stuff on this website. Best thing to do is get out there and do it yourself. You can’t plan the course of your relationship. You can only navigate the place you’re in. So pay attention to that. While you’re sitting here searching for ways to outsmart life you’re missing out on what it means to live. You can’t control the outcome; you can only deal with it.


Also, I think that if you make a regular habit of surprising someone once a week, it will cease being a surprise.


I find it interesting that you think it’s important to surprise some one when you yourself seem to be always trying to avoid surprise. Maybe you’re trying to tell yourself something ;)

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You’re just going to “hear” more stuff on this website. Best thing to do is get out there and do it yourself. You can’t plan the course of your relationship. You can only navigate the place you’re in. So pay attention to that. While you’re sitting here searching for ways to outsmart life you’re missing out on what it means to live. You can’t control the outcome; you can only deal with it.


Also, I think that if you make a regular habit of surprising someone once a week, it will cease being a surprise.


I find it interesting that you think it’s important to surprise some one when you yourself seem to be always trying to avoid surprise. Maybe you’re trying to tell yourself something ;)


When I say surprise I don’t mean a big surprise. I just mean something like randomly telling her that I want to take her out to a restaurant and just tell her to dress a certain way depending on where we go.


I have been fortunate in life to never have made any mistakes. I have lived it carefully and wisely and for a 23 year old, I am very satisfied for how things have turned out for me. Is living life without making mistakes cheating? Maybe..

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I have been fortunate in life to never have made any mistakes. I have lived it carefully and wisely and for a 23 year old, I am very satisfied for how things have turned out for me. Is living life without making mistakes cheating? Maybe..


Is that how you see it? It's not a bad idea to be careful. But what would happen if you made a mistake?

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