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This dating thing is very annoying


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Last date was almost 3 weeks ago. He text me on the night thanking me for a good evening and said he was looking forward to going out again. Texts everyday. I know he’s unhappy in his job but he still has 3 years left so I don’t know if that’s playing a part in it. If we do go out again I will ask him what he’s wanting


Three weeks ago!? I`d say he has low interest in you BUT enjoys the attention he`s getting from you. Ive dated women before and if I was really interested I d be making date after date to romance you. Ultimately if I'm attracted to a woman Id love to kiss her to see if the spark was there.


Three weeks is a hell of a long time. It doesn't sound like hes want to move into relationship terrority anytime soon so you have to ask him what he wants and if not you need to cut ties with this bloke.

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Three weeks ago!? I`d say he has low interest in you BUT enjoys the attention he`s getting from you. Ive dated women before and if I was really interested I d be making date after date to romance you. Ultimately if I'm attracted to a woman Id love to kiss her to see if the spark was there.


Three weeks is a hell of a long time. It doesn't sound like hes want to move into relationship terrority anytime soon so you have to ask him what he wants and if not you need to cut ties with this bloke.


I totally get it now and I know where I went wrong, I will not make the same mistakes twice. He’s messaged me today but I haven’t replied and I’m not going too. I how however been invited out on a date with another guy so I’m going to use what I have learnt and see how it goes.

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Three weeks since your last date is not a good sign. A few years back, I went on 3-4 dates with a guy who I really liked and saw some potential with. But...there was a long time between dates (a couple weeks each time), and while he was texting (and even calling) and saying how much he wanted to see me, and I was letting him know I was interested and flexible in terms of scheduling (he had a pretty busy schedule, but so did I, and there was no reason we couldn't have seen each other more). Finally, after the last time he called and left a message about how much he wanted to see me, blah blah blah, I responded with a really cheerful message telling him I really wanted to see him, too, and that it was just a matter of him making time to do so and that I could be flexible and work with his schedule. I re-affirmed my interest in seeing him and told him I looked forward to it. When a couple of days went by with no response, I made a decision: If I heard nothing -- not even a text -- from him by the end of the week (which would have been about 6 days since last contact) I was done. Friday came, and nothing, so I deleted his number and let it go. He NEVER contacted me again (surprise!) We had gone out a total of 4 times over a period of about 3 months (ugh -- I cringe just thinking about it now!) Oddly enough, I ran into him about six months later, and he hugged me like we were great old friends. I was polite, but cool, and I excused myself rather quickly. Ultimately, despite what he was saying, he wasn't that interested in me -- at least not enough to make significant effort.


My point is...if he was that interested, he'd want to see you. He wouldn't let three weeks go by. I think you need to just cut your losses and move forward. There are other guys out there who WILL be interested enough to make plans and not keep you hanging with meaningless texts about the mundane details of his daily life.

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Three weeks since your last date is not a good sign. A few years back, I went on 3-4 dates with a guy who I really liked and saw some potential with. But...there was a long time between dates (a couple weeks each time), and while he was texting (and even calling) and saying how much he wanted to see me, and I was letting him know I was interested and flexible in terms of scheduling (he had a pretty busy schedule, but so did I, and there was no reason we couldn't have seen each other more). Finally, after the last time he called and left a message about how much he wanted to see me, blah blah blah, I responded with a really cheerful message telling him I really wanted to see him, too, and that it was just a matter of him making time to do so and that I could be flexible and work with his schedule. I re-affirmed my interest in seeing him and told him I looked forward to it. When a couple of days went by with no response, I made a decision: If I heard nothing -- not even a text -- from him by the end of the week (which would have been about 6 days since last contact) I was done. Friday came, and nothing, so I deleted his number and let it go. He NEVER contacted me again (surprise!) We had gone out a total of 4 times over a period of about 3 months (ugh -- I cringe just thinking about it now!) Oddly enough, I ran into him about six months later, and he hugged me like we were great old friends. I was polite, but cool, and I excused myself rather quickly. Ultimately, despite what he was saying, he wasn't that interested in me -- at least not enough to make significant effort.


My point is...if he was that interested, he'd want to see you. He wouldn't let three weeks go by. I think you need to just cut your losses and move forward. There are other guys out there who WILL be interested enough to make plans and not keep you hanging with meaningless texts about the mundane details of his daily life.



I totally agree with this. You can gauge a persons interest by their ACTIONS. If they are interested they WILL contact you and arrange dates and do things to keep you interest. LACK OF INTEREST IS LACK OF ACTION.

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