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I'm heartbroken. I still love him, I've told him to stop texting me because I'm not his friend and I still love him. I told him I need to heal and move on. He didn't text even a response so I'm pretty sure he won't text me again. Which hurts too. I have therapy tomorrow and I'm glad, because this took me from happy to sad. I had a great birthday celebration yesterday, missed him a little when I was out with friends, I'm the only single one. My ex and daughter were there too. I really had a nice birthday despite hearing from my ex boyfriend who was telling me to move on and find someone and happy birthday. I feel like he never really loved me all his words were lies. He used to say I was perfect, beautiful, the love of his life, loved me more than any other woman before. And he told me about other loves. I just hate that he's moved on already rather than fight to be with me. He would just have to apologize to my mom, and show his face in my neck of the woods. A guy who supposedly loved me so much would rather find someone else than lower himself to apologize. I know breaking up is right, but I'm just sad right now.

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A guy who supposedly loved me so much would rather find someone else than lower himself to apologize. I know breaking up is right, but I'm just sad right now.


I 100% know the feeling of having to break up even though I don't want to. The thing is, you were being manipulated into breaking up with him. He chooses not to apologize because well, that would mean that the relationship would go back to normal if he did and he doesn't want that, at least for now. Take it for what it is, continue to research and learn as much as you can so that if and when he does come around, you can kick him to the curb. I just ordered the book "getting to I do" I saw it somewhere on this forum. They said it takes a guy 4-8 weeks to feel the loss of you.

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