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He didn't call. not sure i care


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get out of here! why is he bothering you. maybe he's not seeing anyone. And maybe if youre an A more often he'd get his own head out of his!


I'm sure you will continue to hear from him.


As for me, still NC..... but feeling better. work travel doing me a solid for sure. I'm with people and dining out with my team for most meals keeps my mind busy. I have some food allergies so i don't go whole hog on the dining out. that's good for the waistline!


i still think about ex all day long..... have many convos in my head with him..... sometimes I'm telling him why i can't get back with him. haha.... sometimes I'm just rehashing how wrong he was and how i didn't deserve this..... ugh



Ya he contacted again. I was nicer today lol. I'm not mad at him at all, he asked if I was. I'm just living life and watching over my daughter and that's that. My life goes on whether I hear from him or I don't.


The day will come when you'll think of him less. I remember not being able to wake up without him being the first thing on my mind, but that passed. I think of him of course, but not like I used to. Even if we didn't have contact, I think the result would be the same. I think of all my exe's from time to time. It's just human to do so.

At least you realize you didn't deserve it, so let that be the driving force to keep you moving forward. Some people will self blame and hold onto hope forever, so I'm happy to hear you aren't doing that. But like I've said, you might here from him,

so be prepared mentally.

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Ya he contacted again. I was nicer today lol. I'm not mad at him at all, he asked if I was. I'm just living life and watching over my daughter and that's that. My life goes on whether I hear from him or I don't.


The day will come when you'll think of him less. I remember not being able to wake up without him being the first thing on my mind, but that passed. I think of him of course, but not like I used to. Even if we didn't have contact, I think the result would be the same. I think of all my exe's from time to time. It's just human to do so.

At least you realize you didn't deserve it, so let that be the driving force to keep you moving forward. Some people will self blame and hold onto hope forever, so I'm happy to hear you aren't doing that. But like I've said, you might here from him,

so be prepared mentally.

living your life for you is good! it is funny how things change and feelings do fade.


i guess i just imagine, knowing how busy my ex is with tax season, i won't hear from him anytime soon.... and who knows what is happening with him. Maybe he's glad... o well.


i know you think I'll hear, but i don't.

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living your life for you is good! it is funny how things change and feelings do fade.


i guess i just imagine, knowing how busy my ex is with tax season, i won't hear from him anytime soon.... and who knows what is happening with him. Maybe he's glad... o well.


i know you think I'll hear, but i don't.


I never thought I would either, he was pretty angry with me and said some very unkind things about me to my friends.

That was the hardest part, hearing the things he said, which left me devastated honestly because I shared a side of me I hadn't with anyone in years. And he's still doing it, but I lost so much in life that I keep the mindset that anyone is free to walk away from me whenever they please, I won't chase after anyone. You want to be a part of my life, I'd love having you. If not, that's okay too. People come and go. i dont think your ex is glad, he might be really embarrassed and wondering why you didn't chase after him. Who knows. no matter what, you deserve respect. Which he didn't show to you upon breaking up.

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I never thought I would either, he was pretty angry with me and said some very unkind things about me to my friends.

That was the hardest part, hearing the things he said, which left me devastated honestly because I shared a side of me I hadn't with anyone in years. And he's still doing it, but I lost so much in life that I keep the mindset that anyone is free to walk away from me whenever they please, I won't chase after anyone. You want to be a part of my life, I'd love having you. If not, that's okay too. People come and go. i dont think your ex is glad, he might be really embarrassed and wondering why you didn't chase after him. Who knows. no matter what, you deserve respect. Which he didn't show to you upon breaking up.

I totally agree with you sweetgirl28!


Someone wants to be in my life I love having them. However he chose this and I don't feel it's my place to chase after anyone. I want a guy that wants a happy, healthy relationship where no one is chasing anyone. We both come to the table wanting to be with each other.


Being embarrassed? I don't know about that. He knows didn't want to break up. It wasn't even being discussed.... One of the last things he said to me was, I'm sorry I hurt you. So I'm not sure that he's embarrassed. I feel like he made his decision and he's just living with it. Whether he really went to therapy or whatever I really don't know.


What he should be embarrassed about is how he let the low life ex-wife influence him just by appearing to get some stuff and dredging up all those old feelings.


Mind you she cheated on him, left him and left all her crap. she didn't even care to come back. Which mind you , I think impeded his healing because he was living in house with all their stuff.


Now she comes back, because she's moving to another state with the other guy. He just snapped. I don't know. I guess he just decided he didn't want to be with me and I shouldn't Focus so much on the why and the stupidity of it all.

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