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Is he playing hard to get?


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So I met this guy when I was out with my friends. He was very persistent and he woyld really show his interest. We would go out, party,dance, get crazy! One problem: I was going through the worst breakup ever, and I was far from being over my ex.I could tell he was really feeling me but i was still thinking of my ex, which i told him about. He still wanted to see me everyday, planed all sorts, wants to go to the spa, the movies, go out, everything, every day .. his best friend even told me : my friend really really likes you..give him a chance heS a good guy. Buti still couldnt bring myself to like him the way he liked me. I had my ex stuck in my head. I told him. Told him i was lost and confused, that i still have deep feelings for my ex and that IM thinking of going back to him.. he looked sad but he kept on texting me every once in a while..until he saw my social media with pictures that I was back with my ex-boyfriend.


Couple months later, things are no better with the ex. We call it off again, this time for good. I took time to myself to be alone and mourn my relationship. A couple of days ago i decide to talk to him again. He answered and was very pleasant. Then he texted me one night to see me. We had the time of our lives, and madeout for hours. But he seemed changed... like he didnt trust me at all. Going in rants like : girls are savages in 2018..theyre worse than men!! He kept going on with that for ever..trying to play some sort of badboy role, but then he switch to himself again and tells me the sweetest things. Again and again... we woke up & went to get breakfast and he was very affectionate..


The problem is I always text him first. I asked him to go see this new place that had just opened & he played it cool like : ill let you know. But he would still text me to go a couple of hours later to go. Its been like this since weve started seeing each other again. Its like hes fighting with himself. He wants to see me, which he does, and when he does he would be all affectionate, show lots of PDA, put his arms around me very possessively whenever were out and theres guys around or talking to me, hug me from behind, grab my arm..He would kiss my forehead and be super gentle and the next minute go on another rant, be rude, sarcastic and throw wierd shady comments at me. He wont text me first or at all when were apart and always waits for me to make the first move.


Hes going on vacation tomorrow which is the worst timing in the world. He doesnt even look thrilled about it! He says that things are more fun here and that his friends forced him to go..Even asked me to go with him...But then again the next minute he takes back everything he says, he gets cold.. a monster! Is he trying to get revenge because I rejected him the first time? I wasnt ready& I was honest with him. I dont understand all this mind games hes playing right now and I dont like it at all. What should i do?

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I don't think he's playing with you, I think he's nuts. It could be some kind of bipolar thing, although it sounds more like schizophrenia. Whatever it is, you're looking at some extreme emotional abuse if you continue with this relationship. I think you need to make yourself unavailable to this guy. Maybe tell him you need moe time to get over your ex or something. But it sounds like he's crazy.

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I did stop initiating contact, which I think threw him offguard, and he’s texting first a lot more. Also said he canceled his 1600$ vacation? I was sooo surprised..why?!?!? He said he can’t leave work since there’s a lot going on and once again said that its «more fun here» lol.. I said «fun with me ehh :D» he said «yes! no more bar drinking though, you’re gonna get me killed😜»..we still haven’t seen each other and he hasn’t tried to make plans since the last time we saw each other...(3 days) You think he’s nuts? That’s so funny lol! I think maybe just bit butthurt about the whole ex situation?

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I did stop initiating contact, which I think threw him offguard, and he’s texting first a lot more. Also said he canceled his 1600$ vacation? I was sooo surprised..why?!?!? He said he can’t leave work since there’s a lot going on and once again said that its «more fun here» lol.. I said «fun with me ehh :D» he said «yes! no more bar drinking though, you’re gonna get me killed😜»..we still haven’t seen each other and he hasn’t tried to make plans since the last time we saw each other...(3 days) You think he’s nuts? That’s so funny lol! I think maybe just bit butthurt about the whole ex situation?


I think he's nuts for considering seeing you again after you dated him, when you clearly weren't ready.

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I'm thinking there's some mental illness within him also! He's a little unhinged, why are you still talking to him?

Do you like the challenge of not knowing what verbal diarrhea he's going to hurl at you after being sweet the minute prior?

Girl you need to put that fire out!

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@sweetgirl28 I guess I just get that I hurt him a lot & it was his way of dealing with it. He really is a nice guy. Especially when I first met him. I just feel like he’s giving himself this whole new personality thinking “nice guys finish last”?

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No! I think you're trying to excuse his behavior! In the beginning he was trying to attract you and he was being his best self. Now he knows you, he lets his real self be seen. He's unstable! But hey they make the most fun! Keep him as a friend I'd you have a blast with him, but I wouldn't date this guy.

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