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Is he being selfish?


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The dude can pull his behind off the sofa and go for a walk. He sounds like a lazy, rude SOB.


OP, bottomline, you do not sound compatible. You are not a hotel and he should be helping and acting more agreeable.


I agree Holly.


Regardless of whether she kept asking him and he didn't want to and was annoyed, his entire attitude (aggressive and rude as OP stated) speaks volumes as to how he feels about her and their RL.


And I don't know of any woman, who rarely gets to spend weekends with her BF, who would be happy spending the *one* weekend they do have together watching his a** on the couch all day.


That goes beyond incompatible in my opinion, guy is just a lazy rude ***.

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I agree Holly.


Regardless of whether she kept asking him and he didn't want to and was annoyed, his entire attitude (aggressive and rude as OP stated) speaks volumes as to how he feels about her and their RL.


And I don't know of any woman, who rarely gets to spend weekends with her BF, who would be happy spending the *one* weekend they do have together watching his a** on the couch all day.


That goes beyond incompatible in my opinion, guy is just a lazy rude ***.


Yup. And he had no desire to help her out with the animals. I would have no patience for this.


OP, do you usually wait on this guy?

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Havent been on this since last weekend. Only seeing your replies now. Well we arent teenagers. He's 27 and I'm 23. When i say i was asking all weekend i was exagerating. I asked him on friday night. He didnt want to because he was tired. That was fine. Then i asked him on saturday and he didnt say no he said maybe later. When i asked again later that was when he snapped. I dont agree with some of your comments i think relationships are about give and take. Somtimes you do stuff you dont paticularly want to do to mak your partnet happy. Its a selfless act. On that friday night i didnt want to watch that boring movie but i did because he wanted to.


Besides he does enjoy going for walks. He always asks me to go for walks it was just that day he seemed to not want to.


He came over again and we talked it through. He apologised and said he was snappy because he was tired and has been stressed from work he just wanted to chill out. He went back to his place for an hour to go for a nap (he was really tired). Then he came back to me and asked me could we walk the dogs and after that we went out for a meal

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