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My ex texted me 9 months post-breakup


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Idk why , it's been a long time lol. Mines been over for eight and IDGAF why or how anymore. I just know it's done.

Maybe there really was a friend since she said she saw similarities, and wanted a male point of view from you.

But usually how that goes is we girls say "ooh that sounds just like me and (insert name here) " then we go on to compare and brew up our own little stories and analyze you all haha.


Maybe she was just looking for a reason to reach out, maybe she harbors a little guilt if something triggered it.

For all you you know maybe she was seeing someone and he told her she is unhealthy in relationships. Maybe a therapist

told her she chooses unhealthy relationships. Who knows. The only one who has the answer is her. But anyway, she's not trying to get together with you, so no need to really reply anymore. I know your being nice, which is fine, but I wouldn't read too much into anything because you will drive yourself insane.


Male point of view...I'm a girl LOL. I mentioned this to you in page 4 of this thread lol. I've put it on my profile now to avoid confusion.


Thank you. I am going a bit insane. I have no desire to respond to the last thing she said, or to start up conversation again. I have nothing to say to her, tbh. So yeah, I guess that's it until she texts again for something random. Something she can ask anyone else in the world - which is more appropriate than her most recent ex.

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Male point of view...I'm a girl LOL. I mentioned this to you in page 4 of this thread lol. I've put it on my profile now to avoid confusion.


Thank you. I am going a bit insane. I have no desire to respond to the last thing she said, or to start up conversation again. I have nothing to say to her, tbh. So yeah, I guess that's it until she texts again for something random. Something she can ask anyone else in the world - which is more appropriate than her most recent ex.



I'm sorry! I forget! I'm an idiot sometimes lol

You see how many posts I've made in a short period of time? I talk. A lot. And I reply on too many threads .

I know all too well the insanity it can cause, so just keep looking forward. Good luck :)

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How does that question help her "friend"?


Oh, it doesn't help her "friend". It helps her see you as a helpful, caring, warm person who thinks of others. You're helpful. Kind. And not being a loser who brings up the old relationship. You're embarking on a new one, with or without her. ;)

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