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Is my marriage over? Part 2


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Back in November of 2017 i found out my husband cheated on me with a prostitute (female) and right after that i also found a advertisment web page for a tranny prostitute that happens to be my neighbor! I confronted my husband about this and he said hes straight and is not into trannys. We were in the middle of HIS immigration process so i decided to stay. We have two children together. We both got checked for hiv stds ect negative. I left in december to live with my mom and moved back in with him in January. I have been through the sad moments and now with a clear head i dont feel happy. We already went to marriage counseling and he stated that my husband is straight. But idk if i can continue. I havent had intimacy with him due to knowing that he was looking at the website that has a picture of my neighbor who is tranny advertising that she/he can give a good time. Help!!

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What is the issue? That he cheated or that he (possibly) cheated with (in your eyes) a man? Or, is it that he looked at an ad but didn't act on it but because he looked, he's guilty?


You seem more concerned about him viewing the ad of a transvestite then you do him cheating on you with a prostitute????

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I need to hear opinions please be real i need to hear it.


No malice intended but are you seeing a personal therapist to help you with what appears to be acute codependency issues?


Most people would leave a partner that cheated on them with a prostitute and then they wouldn't know that they were viewing the web site of a transvestite.

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I'd be more worried about the hooker. I also would not have gone back to him.

It's possible he knows the neighbor and the neighbor said "check out my website" right? Maybe just curious.

Look at females who are straight who watch lesbian porn. Doesn't mean anything.

The hooker however, that's a serious issue, and illegal(depending on where you live)

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I'd be more concerned with the cheating that I actually know about rather than some web page that anyone in the neighborhood might have gossiped about and circulated links to. Who cares about that stuff?


You already know husband is untrustworthy, so I'd stop looking 'around' that and look AT it. If you want to use the web page thing as your dealbreaker, then consider it part of the fallout from remaining with a cheater. Then you can liberate yourself from any need to prove additional cheating because you're addressing the bottom line rather than needlessly building a bigger case.

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