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Thinking about letting my hair go grey

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BTW, I don't think you're gonna get a lot of dudes hopping on here saying DON'T DO IT, I wouldn't date you! I kind of have a libertarian attitude towards it, I think you should try it.


Would I date you? I don't know. I don't know you, I can't see the whole picture. I'm also married, so my mind isn't necessarily attuned to that mindset. I also am 46 and probably have less than 5% gray with a full head of hair. If I saw a ghost and my hair went white overnight, I'd probably dye, because I could plausibly have not that much gray. The point at which I think dying is perhaps counter effective is when you look so old that you couldn't plausibly have that kind of hair. When I see a woman in her 50's I don't think twice if they dye, even though it is very likely they do. A lot of celebs who dye keep a few strands gray so that it looks more authentic.


It would make some sense that if someone could only see your picture, like in online dating, you'd possibly get more skips than if you dyed. And that maybe interested parties would skew older. But that's just a guess.

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The thing is many of us don’t look old. I know I don’t. My mom will be 72 next week and still dyes her hair and she looks like she is about 55. I look early 40’s and I will be 52 this year. When people see me with the kids care for they assume a 2 year old mine. My son is almost 21 and they drop dead when I say I have an adult child. People think that my mother is a lunatic when she says that her daughter is going to be 52 . They thought she was 52 . Some people can still have great genetics for youth but have grey hair . I started going grey at 19. My mom started going grey about five years ago so she has far far far far less gray hair than I do even .

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The thing is many of us don’t look old. I know I don’t. My mom will be 72 next week and still dyes her hair and she looks like she is about 55. I look early 40’s and I will be 52 this year. When people see me with the kids care for they assume a 2 year old mine. My son is almost 21 and they drop dead when I say I have an adult child. People think that my mother is a lunatic when she says that her daughter is going to be 52 . They thought she was 52 . Some people can still have great genetics for youth but have grey hair . I started going grey at 19. My mom started going grey about five years ago so she has far far far far less gray hair than I do even .


I agree, which is why I think, if I went white overnight , I'd probably dye (unless it looked like pristine snow like Anderson Cooper - I'd probably keep that haha). Dying definitely can make you look younger and I think doing a touch up every few weeks is a price I'd personally pay. I'm not dying my hair now with 5% grey, and I have been told I look 10 years younger on several occasions, and I think 5% gray is totally plausible for somebody 10 years younger than me too. I do think I will go gradually enough, that by the time I'm in my 50's it will look "distinguished" (isn't that nice?) and I probably won't dye then either.

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I was told by a colorist that my gray will make me look like a washer woman. I am not fated for that striking sterling gray or white that you see on some people. I think he's right. But there's not a whole ton of it at this point, so maybe I can sneak by for a while without dyeing too much. My dad's hair stayed the same light brown color as he aged, but gradually took on a grayer tone until it was grayer than it was brown. I am not related to him (adopted), but he was Irish, and I'm at least part Irish, so I thought the same could happen for me....

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This is my natural colour now. I have pure white which frames my face.


But like I said every single day I get complimented on it. Literally every day. And my hairdresser said that people literally spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars for their hair to look like mine .

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I have issues with my hair falling out excessively too (hypothyroidism). So, partly it's because I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on something relatively trivial such as my hair and partly because I fear stripping and then dying my hair will cause the rest of it to fall out.

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I lost a ton of hair going through menopause and then high high doses of anti seizure meds caused a lot of fall out. But I was very very very blessed to have tons and tons and tons of hair before that happened. So now I just have average hair .

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I am lucky that mine is pretty healthy . The only time my hair ever broke was when I repeatedly dyed it blonde a lot in my 30s .


My hair is healthy, but it's fine and thus weak.


My godmother had hair a lot like yours, with the gray. It eventually went to white. It was very pretty. My mom had thick, strong black hair. She also went gray very early and has been dying her hair since her 20s. She used to work at a hair salon and they dyed her hair platinum one day to see how she looked. Everyone loved it but her. So they dyed it back. But that bleaching didn't seem to hurt her hair at all.

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I dye my hair every 3 weeks so I feel your pain... when I am older, I fully intend to let it go completely gray and have a nice sharp bob to go with it. :) I think silver / gray hair is beautiful!

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