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I’ve been having this anxiety of over thinking for as long as I can remember. I hate it because it takes over my mind, it stops me from doing things I want or need to do, and it takes almost every situation I’m in and completely makes it out to be way worse than it is.


I’m overthinking a lot right now since me and my bf broke. I over think and obsess about everything and I just wish it would stop. I over think about if we will get back together, what I’m going to be doing if we never do, will anyone want to date me again, will I ever be able to live on my own, what If im single forever, and so on and so on.


It’s not just overthinking about my ex and future relationships but every aspect of my life. It’s so mentally draining I don’t know what to do. I just started going to a therapist but it’s so new that nothing has changed yet.


I was wondering if anyone has had these feelings and what and if they did anything to stop them. I feel like I’m missing some points right now but that’s all I can seem to get out.


Thank you

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Your mother already offered help and suggested you go to a doctor and therapist to address all this so accept her offer. Also not working full time or having interests is isolating and creating problems and ruminating. Too much poorly spent time.


These long standing issues caused the break up, not the other way around. You can't blame your breakup/exbf for this when he's pointed this out and you refused to do anything about it then. You would also have your own place with your pets now had you worked full time, when your bf first began pleading with you to get a job, get help and be more independent.

will I ever be able to live on my own, what If im single forever
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I am going to see a therapist, as I said in the post. I am not saying that I don’t take blame in my breakup. In this post I am just talking about how my anxieties take over my life. I am in the process of looking for jobs too. I posted this to ask if anyone has had these same feelings and what they have done that helps them. I over think things in all aspects of my life not just relationships. I just wanted some advice not someone to tell me what I’ve done wrong and where I could be if I didn’t all the wrong things in my life.

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Your mother already offered help and suggested you go to a doctor and therapist to address all this so accept her offer. Also not working full time or having interests is isolating and creating problems and ruminating. Too much poorly spent time.


These long standing issues caused the break up, not the other way around. You can't blame your breakup/exbf for this when he's pointed this out and you refused to do anything about it then. You would also have your own place with your pets now had you worked full time, when your bf first began pleading with you to get a job, get help and be more independent.


I second this entire post. Good to see you mention you are starting therapy because that is your only answer. Therapy, therapy, therapy. Stick with it for as long as it takes to sort out these many issues. You need to get to a point of being mentally healthy and get your life back in order before looking into relationships.

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Anxiety is normal, thinking about is not.

The quickest way to put it back where it belongs is to do one thing a day.


Preferably something work-like and physical. (Painting a room, cleaning out a closet, yard work, etc.)


You'll be surprised what "one" turns into.

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