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Am I ready?


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Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost one month, but we have really known eachother since the beginning of the year and know everything about eachother from talking alot. My friend gave me a condom a few weeks ago, and me and my boyfriend want to use it. He really wants to and of coarse I want to or I wouldn't of accepted the condom, but the thing is im a virgin, its my first time, and I dont like the way I look, and I am afraid that if me and my boyfriend ever got in bed and had $e% that would be the last time, and he would dump me. He says that Im being silly and he really loves me and tells me that im really pretty and se%y but I dont know, could he be telling the truth? I really love him and I am ready, but it is just that one thing and the fact that I dont know where we could go to do it that is holding me back. Should I just go ahead and try it?

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do it only when you feel like it, when you want to and when you are ready. dont do it only cause a guy wants to or because you think you are at the right age. if he loves you he will wait. and if you were sure about the whole thing you would not be asking about it here!

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If you are questioning yourself you are not ready.


One month is not a long time to be dating someone, especially if you are a virgin. You can only give your virginity once, to one person. Give it some time and think it over carefully before you do.


If your bf loves you he will respect your decision to wait until you are comfortable.

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No. The time to have sex is when you feel 100% comfortable with yourself, the situation, and your partner. This is true whether it`s your first time or your 1,000th.


Having sex because someone gave you a condom is like setting yourself on fire because someone gave you a match.


Take your time, play around with your boyfriend in sexy and non-sexy ways, and get to know your own body, how it works, what you like, and also pursue whatever interests you in the wide world beyond sex. You don`t have to wait `til any certain time, but you have all the time in the world, and the rest of your life to have sex. Just wait `til you are absolutely comfortable and ready, and then you won`t have to spend the better part of your later life scraping off the emotional crap that has accrued on your pure heart and dreams. Sex can mess you up, but it can also be very therapeutic and healing, not to mention fun as all get out...but don`t treat it like it isn`t important, because it is.


Hope this helps!

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With sex the bottom line is do it when your ready you dont want to regret it, and your virginity is something that you shouldnt just throw away on someone.


If you are uncomfortable with your looks you can always slowly work your way towards having sex or even just revealing your body, maybe with some pationate foreplay (not necasarily leading to sex). Just slowly work your way to letting him see your body. im sure he will like what he sees. [/b]

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I agree with everyone else, if you have to ask if your ready then you are not ready. You've only been dating a month and have only known each other since the beginning of the year. Your first time is special and not something to be taken lightly. If you are worried about anything, it's not time.

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I think the others are right- if you have doubts, it's a sign you shouldn't do it. I waited a year with my first bf. I really wasn't ready, due to a background of strict christian upbringing that I had to separate myself from first.


I can tell you, when you really want it and you are ready, you KNOW it inside. It's like a subconscious decision, which doesn't need contemplating or asking other people.


Take care,



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