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Long distance relationship - has the spark gone


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Hi so me and my girlfriend have been dating for nearly 3years now and this year I had to finish uni and go to work whilst she was still studying at first I was fine with the distance we had agreed to try and see each other as much as possible. However, at the start of this year she needed time to study for exams so we didn't see each other for about a month ever since then she has seemed cold, distant and doesn't make the effort she used to. We saw each other 2 weeks ago and I expected to catch up, have a nice weekend and make up for lost time (have sex as we hadn't for about 2 months) and we didn't I sort of felt that other things were on her mind. I sort of guess I feel like I don't fit in with her life anymore and that I am not important to her anymore. I need advice on if the lack of sex is normal and also the fact that I don't see myself as part of her life am I being super paronoid or should I be worried??

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Sorry to hear this, after 3 years it is odd. Are you thinking she can't handle long distance or has started to hang out with other guys?

We saw each other 2 weeks ago and I expected to catch up, have a nice weekend and make up for lost time (have sex as we hadn't for about 2 months) and we didn't I sort of felt that other things were on her mind
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The problem with long distance is that you get very lusty and when you meet it's sexfest every day, at least that was my experience, if she doesn't want sex then there is a big problem.


But after this relationship I understood the adage, far from the eyes far from the heart ! It is realisticaly not sustainable to love someone when you don't meet for months, 3 years might

be the breaking point for her, it's human !

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