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HELP!!! Im being stalked and sexually harassed


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My sister was going out with this guy for 2-3 years, and they finally broke up because he beated on her and my 2 nephews. And now he is after me!! I was walking to my friends house and I looked inside a clothing shop and there he was! Standing right there, I had a panic attack and started running, when I got to my friends I told her all about it and she said that maybe he was there with someone. But on the way home I was being very careful and looking out, but I wasn't looking from behind and he grabbed me and started touching me in places I didn't like anyone touching me accept my boyfriend and he started kissing me and putting his hands down my pants, up my shirt, etc. No matter how much I tried pulling away and told him to stop I couldn't and he would not listen. I threatened to tell my parents, my sister, and my whole family about him doing what he was doing to be but he said that he would kill my sister and nephews if I ever told anyone. But I have told someone, and that someone was my boyfriend, and he said that if he ever see's him that he will kick his *beep*, but the thing that I cant get him to understand is that if he ever did that my sister's ex would kill my sister and nephews, and now maybe even my mom, dad, and ME! What should I do? I NEED HELP!!!!

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you have to tell someone - anyone - your parents, friends, family, make sure they know and are looking out for themselves. Also tell the police - what this guy did you is illegal and he must be stopped, if he isn't he will keep doing it and he will keep on hurting people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thats the thing though, I dont know where he is or when he's going to come, he just comes out of nowhere it seems like.


What worries me is he's done it once successfully and I have no doubt he'll do it again. Your bf can't be with you 24-7 and the perv knows where you hang out. The next time you might not be so lucky, so PLEASE TELL YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR SISTER and then go to the authorities. You're 13! You shouldn't have to be dealing with this problem alone.

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