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International who's who of poets??? Is this for real?

The Artist

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Okay well some time last year I found a link on this forum to a poetry contest and entered this poem in



and today I got an email that went like this



Over the past several months, we have been reviewing the thousands of poems submitted to us, as well as examining the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has appeared on the Internet and in various editions released by other poetry publishers in America and Europe. After an exhaustive examination of this poetic artistry, The International Library of Poetry is pleased to inform you that you have been nominated for inclusion in ...


The International Who's Who in Poetry


It then went on to say things like


you were selected for inclusion in this project based on your unique talent and previous poetic accomplishments. We believe you to be one of the most interesting poets we have encountered,


I was all like "You wot??" This has go to be some kind of a scam, has anyone else gotten an email like this after submiting a poem? Can you tell me if they're for real or if this is just some money making scam?

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If there's any sort of fee involved in getting you in the International Who's Who, run the opposite direction as quickly as possible. Scams will ask YOU to pay THEM....legitimate publications will either pay YOU for your work, or ask for your permission to use it free.

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well on the money thing, after telling me how great i was they said this


In this regard you are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee, any subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind.


then they went on to say..


Of course, many people do wish to acquire the books that have pages dedicated to themselves and their poetic artistry.


So I don't have to pay anything but it sounds like they're doing it in the hope people will buy the book. I'm not going to do that, not like I've enver seen my name in print before, I'm certanly not going to pay for it.

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That's how they ask you to pay. They want you to buy the book. There's nothing wrong with being included in it, but realize that the Who's Who is NOT a prestigious award. Its just a book they want you to buy.


Please don't take this to mean that your poem isn't good. But companies like this prey on people who dream of being recognized.

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That's what I thought. Well they can publish it if they wish, my name can be known by several people who brought the book (all of which probably appear in it). No intention of buying it though.


I wonder how many people get fooled, for me it's just a little hard to swallow that I am part of the "international who's who of poetry" after submitting ONE poem, like come on who you trying to kid? I don't even consider myself a poet.


That being said I think you should all buy this new book with my poetry in it

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i'm not sure what to think because i was also admitted to this who's who book and they have one for 2004 and one for classical music so i think this is real but i'm not sure, actually i was searching on google for the 2004 book just to make sure it was real and this site came up so i'm also looking for people's input on what to think because i'm in the same root.

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Today many of the opening acts you see at live concerts, if you still go them, are paying to be there.


So if you wish to receive a grammy, golden globe, ect you have to be part of the group.


Now that said, you can submit a poem and nothing else or you can pay your fee and toss your ring in the hat.


Fore being included in it is not the test, it is being labeled the best of those that pay to test.


Besides who cares pay a small fee and see you poem in print.


DN the URL is link removed



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Alright, so I got this e-mail too and Yes!!!! they are definitely legit. I wouldn't suggest buying a book from them because yes, that's how they make their money and it costs like $50+. I've been indicted into Who's Who Amoung America's High School Students as well. Also it is an honor to receive. Employers and colleges (if you're looking at those things) do look happily amoung the award. No, I don't think it's THAT prestigious, but it is certainly something to be proud of.


The Star

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I'm sorry, but I am not hearing any proof from you whatsoever, that this "Who's who" is real.

It is entirely possible your "college professors" and lord knows what "employers" you are referring to.. Are also gullible.

For some reason, I have a hunch "Who's who" dates back to "the old days.." and there is a "Who's who" of everything.. I'll get back to you when I have more substantial info -- I will do more homework to get answers for us all..

..but honestly -- All I am seeing here are people who've been selected by "Who's who" who are "wondering" and "researching" to find out if this "Who's who" is real..

I can't take your word for it, hon.. You're very young, your professors may be clueless and I've never heard of this institution before I posted my work.

If I were to submit an actual resume with "Who's who" of poetry as one of my credentials.. Here in Manhattan, NYC where I am born and raised and pushing 40.. Not only do I believe it would be a waste of space on my one page resume, but I also believe my interviewer will be laughing along with the rest of the office for a week.

Believe me, I'd like it to be real also. That would mean I am also unique, creative, more talented than most, etc.. etc.. "One of the few.."

I'll get back to you..

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The company is a vanity publisher of hardbound anthologies, which feature amateur poets, of paperback volumes of poetry by single authors, and of a magazine for amateur poets. The books are not distributed and cannot be found in bookstores. They are only distributed to those who pay to have their work included. The quality of the poetry does not appear to be a significant consideration for selection for publication. However, according to the company, poems containing obscenities or offensive language are rejected.


For a cost of about $49.95, the amateur poets are given the opportunity to purchase the book in which their poem(s) will be featured. The company also sells other products that feature the poem(s), which are priced separately.


(courtesy of BBB)


These guys are publishers that deal in product sales. They are all the same company, of course.. link removed, the international library of poetry, "who's who," etc.. They want you to purchase the book, there are probably different volumes of each year, etc.. Basically, if you want to see your poetry "published" they will do it for you. Sorry, there is no "prestige" in this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It has got to be a rip-off. I submitted one poem and "won" all kinds of goodies if I want to buy them. Not only the book, but wall plack and more yuck. Shame on them. Do you know of a good site for poets?


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  • 7 years later...
It's a scam - they want you to buy the book. And when you get it (if you get it) it will be some cheaply produced garbage.


This actually isn't a scam. I have several poems published by them. Yes I bought all but one of the books but when I got them, they were not cheaply made and 100% genuine and nice looking. I didn't have to buy them but did anyway. It's not a scam and I'm proud of that fact that for years now I've been a published poet. So it's not a scam and I don't know why anyone would think it is.

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This actually isn't a scam. I have several poems published by them. Yes I bought all but one of the books but when I got them, they were not cheaply made and 100% genuine and nice looking. I didn't have to buy them but did anyway. It's not a scam and I'm proud of that fact that for years now I've been a published poet. So it's not a scam and I don't know why anyone would think it is.


It is a scam--you just got suckered into buying it You paid for the opportunity to call yourself a published poet--that's how it works.

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