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should I talk to a guy who is more attractive then me?


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so I am girl who is currently single and I hate the fact that I've been single for most of my life. I don't know why but making new relationship whether it would be friendship or relationship in generally doesn't last too long. anyways there is this guy I'm talking to in one of my class in college and he is no doubt way more attractive then me. I'm not going to lie I've flirted with him, and he has back but i don't know if its like playful or he is really interested in me. I am always the one to initiating the conversation, should i continue to try and talk to him or should i not waste my time ?

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I also thought that he is shy but he is genuinely a confident person who I've seen has no problem talking to people. I think I;m most terrified of rejection, and asking a guy out even if it casual doesn't really work in my experience. I just want to get the clues or hints if hes interested or not HOW DO I TELL!?!?

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Of course you should try!


You're focused on something subjective: that he is more attractive. There is no definitive answer to that and for all you know you could be the more attractive one.


You talk to him and that's a start. Try and organize a night out bowling or shooting pool or whatever with classmates and include him. At the very worst you'd get to know him and it wouldn't work out. At the best you'd spend time with classmates.

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From my point in my life, I can tell you that life is too short for regrets. Yeah, rejection is tough. But guys get turned down for dates a lot more than girls do, and you should take the chance. Some good-looking guys are just look for a nice girl and a lot of beautiful girls let it go to their heads. So ask him out on a date. You'll find out really quickly if he's interested in you. Give it a try.

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Go for it! And I'll share a trick that helped me back when I could get intimidated by good looks... remember he's full of guts and blood and poop like the rest of us. Sometimes I'd even visualize the person on the toilet. Takes a lot of the pressure off yourself and might even relax you. Good to go in with a smile:)

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Most certainly not, you should know your place in the attractiveness hierarchy...I am kidding. What kind of question is that? You seem unwilling to initiate, so all you can do is wait it out and hope he makes a move. Or you can work up the courage to make a move yourself. The only thing to fear is fear itself...well, that and a cat falling into the tub while you are talking a bath. That should also be feared....

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Most certainly not, you should know your place in the attractiveness hierarchy...I am kidding. What kind of question is that? You seem unwilling to initiate, so all you can do is wait it out and hope he makes a move. Or you can work up the courage to make a move yourself. The only thing to fear is fear itself...well, that and a cat falling into the tub while you are talking a bath. That should also be feared....


OMG my cat was walking on the edge of the tub the other day while I was in the bath and I was like "please don't fall in!" and planning my escape route just in case lol


In all seriousness, if it feels right, and he is receptive and reciprocating, keep talking to and flirting with him... at the very least, it's fun doing that kind of thing!

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