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I don't even know anymore...

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Okay so I've never fully been over this girl for many years now. We ended on a horrible note, she picked some asshat over me and it left me in a terrible place. Now it's nearing her time limit for her usual relationships to end... And sure enough her and I start talking again. Her current asshat is depressed and doesn't want her to deal with him if she doesn't want to. Basically trying to cop out of a break up. Now her and I have been hanging out and things got a bit intimate, I was always good at taking care of her needs. But that's as far as it goes. There were exchanges of naughty pics but she doesn't want to cheat on her bf... but already has... I really want to get back with this girl... What do I do????

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Um, why would you want to get back with her seeing how she ended your relationship?


Do you enjoy being used as a doormat?


I really believe you are making a big mistake.


I've had a thing for her for so long, when we were together it was awesome, I don't know a part of me does think you're right and I shouldn't bother, but it really sucks when you can't help the way you feel about someone.

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I've had a thing for her for so long, when we were together it was awesome, I don't know a part of me does think you're right and I shouldn't bother, but it really sucks when you can't help the way you feel about someone.


You can attempt to help it by not allowing yourself to be used as the fall back guy ;)

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She’s using you as an emotional doormat and will keep doing it every time she breaks up with her next bf for as long as you allow. This is a common technique used by people who are afraid to be alone. I say block her and move forward with your life. Find a girl who actually wants you and isn’t gonna use you.

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You don't want to be with someone who dumps you for someone else.


Now fast fwd, she still continues to use people and is cheating on her current boyfriend - with you.


You do get that she has some serious integrity issues, don't you? You do understand that when you get involved with

someone who lacks integrity and character like this, the likelihood of you getting burned (again) is very high, right?


Lastly. . if I heartlessly dump you and you continue to allow me to use you as side entertainment, I will lose respect for you.

You are no longer relationship material to me, but instead someone to boost my ego while simultaneously pulling a slow dump on my current bf - All the while I am actively searching for his replacement.


I'm sorry. Please don't do this to yourself. . .

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So I guess she'll just never learn that instead of using me as the fall back and safetynet guy that I should be the one she actually wants?? I don't understand that at all...


This is only the 5th or 6th relationship I've been 100% right about again... And technically only the second time I've been sort of used...


I've tried getting over her, it really doesn't work, part of me wants to be there for her, but another part just wants to her over and tell her BF everything that's happened so far...



But like I've said I kinda do really want to be with this girl... it's complicated!



Thanks so far for the responses people! It really helps to talk about this !

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I've been so low, and lost all confidence I used to have, I've not been the same person since she picked someone else over me. I don't think I'll ever get that back or even care about myself anymore... So yeah I'm probably going to do this to myself... I don't know what else to do.

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I've been so low, and lost all confidence I used to have, I've not been the same person since she picked someone else over me. I don't think I'll ever get that back or even care about myself anymore... So yeah I'm probably going to do this to myself... I don't know what else to do.


many years? I am sorry. That must be really discouraging.


Maybe time to get some professional help. . after you block all contact from her.

This isn't even about her anymore and she isn't going to make it better.

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I don't wanna send false hope or set u up but I thought I'd give you another perspective.


I really can relate to your situation except I was the girl in the story. It's such a long story but a small snippet of it - I had a horrible argument with my guy that led us to no contact for approx 3 years. He got into a serious relationship with another girl and I did my thing. We started talking again as friends somehow and the fact that he was in a relationship made me feel safe that we weren't going to revisit our past. I should've known that he still cared for me but honestly I didn't wanna see that. I wasn't open to hearing him. So we floated on the surface of friendship yet he harboured feelings.


That argument took place 9 years ago now.


Are u dating? You haven't mentioned loving her

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I don't wanna send false hope or set u up but I thought I'd give you another perspective.


I really can relate to your situation except I was the girl in the story. It's such a long story but a small snippet of it - I had a horrible argument with my guy that led us to no contact for approx 3 years. He got into a serious relationship with another girl and I did my thing. We started talking again as friends somehow and the fact that he was in a relationship made me feel safe that we weren't going to revisit our past. I should've known that he still cared for me but honestly I didn't wanna see that. I wasn't open to hearing him. So we floated on the surface of friendship yet he harboured feelings.


That argument took place 9 years ago now.


Are u dating? You haven't mentioned loving her


I've been dating and I just didn't feel it with any of those relationships... unfortunately I do believe I love her... I'm stupid for thinking it but I've always had a crush on her since middle school... finally got with her in college years... And now waiting again...

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Mine loved me too. And even today I look back and think he was an idiot lol Because no matter how hard he tried to move on, deep down he was waiting too. I'm in awe of his patience and conviction to know how u felt and what he felt was truth for him. Cuz I didn't want us to repeat the painful cycle we had and had accepted we were terrible together yet so drawn to one another - he must have been meant to be my friend for life. He wasn't feeling Bff' s lol but I still tried.


Anyways, here's my advice from the other side. No matter how you feel about loving her, you need to love yourself first. You can hold space and still take care of you. Healthy habits gives you focus. Can you do this while u both get your ish together ?

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That's the thing though everybody's different you can only compare so much what works for someone else might not work for you so there's no real way to tell what's going to work


You can dance around it as much as you like but loving yourself is an inside job. Looking for it in a relationship is the long detour. But I also know we only hear what we want to, and in our own time.


I hope you start feeling better.

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