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Recent breakup, why it happened and possible to fix?


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A little back story, in my 6th period a girl (my most recent ex that this is about) sits right next to me. I always thought she was really cute and funny and we have always talked in class and joked. We would write on each others arm and then i got in this relationship. ->About a month ago I went through a really bad quick relationship with a girl that we just started talking, I shouldn't have done it. But I was depressed, it was about 3 days after my birthday this happened. The girl that sits next to me (the one this post is about) messaged me on my birthday and wished me a happy birthday, a few days down the line after my breakup she would ask me in class and message me every night to see how I was doing and she truly did care. We ended up becoming very close and made me feel a lot better about myself and we began dating early this month. I went to my first school dance with her and we had a great time, last Thursday we had a casual hang out night and we went to her brothers hockey game and it was quite obvious she had a great time and so did I. We had a date night planned on Sunday (yesterday) and the night before we talked on the phone and she was extremely sincere and said she wasn't ready and was afraid of getting hurt again. The date was obviously cancelled but the following morning she said "hey,have a good day" so I guess she just was trying to say that she is still here. Is it possible to get her back and what is your point of view on the situation. (This is my first post, sorry if I wrote too much. I just need advice.) Thanks -Drew

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No, you didn't write too much. You can ask her out again on another date. If she refuses, tell her you really like her and won't hurt her. You didn't talk about the break up, so I'm guessing it's something you said or did. Tell her you won't do that again, and keep your promise! Always be nice to her.

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The night we broke up she was giving me one word answers to everything and lacked conversation. I knew something was wrong and told her to call me, even on the phone she kept saying "I'm really tired", I told her to get some rest because she worked a long shift that day. Sh said goodnight and then about a half hour later she texted "you give up too easily." I called her right away,and she basically said she was scared of getting hurt again and didn't think she was ready. Now my point of view is everything went amazing, exactly a week before the dance and then when we hung out. I just don't understand how things could just take a nosedive so quick. I want to talk to her but don'twant to bother her if she doesn't want to talk. Thank you for your response, I really do appreciate it.

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