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What should I do in this situation when I haven't heard from my boyfriend in a day?


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The last time we texted was on Friday. I said goodnight to him and he didn't respond back to that. Then on Saturday we didn't even talk for that whole day OR night at all. I know on Saturday he gets busy, but he was clearly active on his messenger for a little while. Now it's Sunday afternoon and I still haven't heard from him. We lost our Snapstreak as well...

What do you think I should do? Wait until he inititates so I won't look "clingy" or "annoying"?Or just message him NOW?

He always used to talk to me everyday but now I don't know what's going on. I told him I was sick as well and he didn't even say something like goodnight babe feel better on Friday night. I don't think he's ghosting me because he didn't unfriend or block me on social media platforms

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Echoing MissCanuck's questions. I get that some couples require daily communication, but I was never a fan of the expectation, particularly when still early into things. I've also never been liked the concept of texting being one perceptual conversation that carries on from PM to AM.

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I get that when a particular pattern in communication changes, it can throw you off balance a bit.


But you need to be flexible about these things, otherwise you will drive yourself, and probably him, crazy.


Perhaps he simply needs some space, lone time. Many men do, so do many women!


I think it's "normal" (however you wish to define normal).


Try and chill, can you call a friend? Get out of the house. Stop overthinking it.


Have faith in your connection, allow him his time, chill, and trust he will get in touch when he's ready.


That said, nothing wrong with shooting him a quick text, saying hi.


Do not ask him why he hasn't been in touch! lol.

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