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So I learned to move on and excited to meet a new girl, I have the ex on social media and she post her new boyfriend (whatever) that’s fine but today something stood out to me that kinda made me mad, I’m not gunna say anything and I’ll go on with my life but 1. Her and her new boyf made it official on the 14th not the same month but we got together on that day as well and 2. Her friend (my neighbor) said she’s glad she found a man who appreciates her 😅. I was good to her these people just got together so of course it’s gunna be lovey dovey, my patience started to ware thin when she had multiple guys hitting her up and after the break up I had many and I mean many people telling me she is no good . Just wanted to rant a little the end going on with the day now

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Well, just keep in mind Feb 14th was Valentine's Day, so I don't think that has anything to do with the day of the month you became official. Also ENA recommends you cut off all contact and stop looking at her social media. You will just keep hurting yourself and keep from healing. It may take some time, but it will get easier as you move on.

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@boltrun mentally I don’t want her back, before this guy she did date another guy for a few weeks, she’s been with way too many guys for me to want back. I learned to accept she moved on was I upset? Absolutely but I feel if I delete her she wins cause she’ll know or think it bothers me. Back in January she rxt me can u believe it’s been a year since we been broken up so she knows the 14th is the day we first kissed now all sudden their first kiss was the 14th of November doesn’t make sense

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Who gives a darn what she thinks?? She "wins" if you delete her? That's really silly. Why do you care?


Unless...you still care so much what she thinks of you because you're still secretly hoping her new relationship fails and she comes back to you. Why else would it even matter?

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