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Breaking up with my b/f, and just being friends

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Me and my boyfriend where going out for almost 7 months than one day at the beginning of 6th period he dumped me. Than he started ignoring me until one day I wrote him a note asking him if we could just be friends. And he accepted. But after only one day he started coming by me and calling me a hor, $lut, lesbian, etc. From then on he was always being mean to me and not acting much as a friend again. Its been about two months since the breakup and now he's still acting that way around me and he's trying to get me and my new boyfriend to break up, and also to top it all off he is hurting and flirting with me. And trying to get me back by trying to get one of my best friends to go out with him. And he told Jerry(New b/f) that the only reason im with him is to get back at him!! And that is not true because I have liked Jerry since the beginning of the year!! What should I do about this situation?

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he's a real jerk.


i cant believe he would act so b**chy to you!! guys dont normally act that way. really immature.


like DN said, just ignore him and move on with your life. if necessary, tell him that he needs to grow up and accept the fact that he messed up and now he must live with his actions. The childish behavior is just plain stupid. toell him to be a man and leave you alone

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I have already tried that, but he will not leave me alone at all, no matter how much I ignore him and my friends tell him to get lost. My new boyfriend doesn't listen to ALL of the things he says but to some he does. But we never get in fights about it, so that part is under control because he trusts me and listens to me more than my ex. But my ex is still at it and now he's flirting with all of my friends and me.

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