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Have you ever been left for or monkeybranched for someone else?


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He might find someone who tolerates him.


That doesn't really mean he is going to happy with them.


Most relationships I see have one or more unhappy participants.


He could find an equally disfunction person and they have a very "meh" long term relationship.


But don't you want something better than that?


All people have negative attitudes towards certain aspects of any relationship they are in.


If a couple "never argues" I see that typically as a fatal flaw. If you don't ever argue then you will never overcome the negatives in your relationship.


If that happens then you will never resolve any issues.


Arguing a lot is obviously bad, but that seems to be more commonly known.


I am madly in love with my wife. I assume she equally enamoured with me.


We argue about stuff.


But those lead to compromises and great sex. We also both feel so much better to get the stuff off our chests'.


I feel that releasing that with each other helps dissipate a lot of stress and worry.


Couples that don't get that "out" seem to continue until one person has too much internal resentment (? Might not be the best word) and eventually the relationship crashes.


If you can't communicate and overcome hurdles together there isn't much of a point in even trying.


Wow! Is a lack of communication because they don't care or because they haven't worked to better themselves after failed relationships per se?


I also feel that we failed because we never had a strong foundation to begin with. Things moved so fast. He was already planning our second date before we had our first one. We knew each other for two weeks before we were exclusive and things took off from there. That was my biggest mistake is getting so wrapped up into it and being flattered for lack of a better word that I didn't stop to think of the red flags of why he may be moving this so fast declaring love and all that a month into dating.

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Well if you are in a relationship with a person who can't even communicate how unhappy they are you two never had a chance in hell.


You just need to realize what you "lost" never existed.


Coming to grips with that is hard.


Merging fantasy and reality is rarely fun.


Truth. But once you come to grips with it, you'll realize that you dodged a bullet and your life is better for it.


I've just realized how much happier I am without an ex that moved on very quickly. To echo what Alchemist is saying, the realization that the fantasy that you build up around someone who monkeybranches to someone else was just that: fantasy not reality.


Once you accept the reality that they don't value anything that you thought you brought into their lives, it helps with all the other components of recovery. For me, it was once I accepted the situation for what it was and that I was holding on to false hope of reconciliation (and that in itself was wearing me down far more than the breakup), the anger toward her/the situation/my poor decisions during the relationship/etc, and the anger toward myself started to subside and the real healing and moving on started.


Tracee: I know you feel blindsided, hurt, bewildered as to how this could have happened. Just don't blame yourself for this. Take your time to heal and work on things that make you happy.

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Feels like my ex relationship can relate to everything here ;) Happened to me just a few months ago.


On top of everything else, my ex left me for another woman. Of course he forgot to tell me about it.


So he said he wants to break up. Our relationship got worse those days, deep inside I knew break up was for the better, yet was still trying to fix it. During this time I found out a few deceiving things and lies, he denied everything. It was devastating, I was depressed, somehow we finished more or less on good terms - that's how he put it to look better in his own eyes. He said we're breaking up because we didn't work, but It kinda my fault cause I had trust issues etc. And that he's not looking to date anyone else right away, although he doesn't know how to be alone and that's how he usually moves on. He was also contacting me every week or so to "check on me".

I will lie if I say it didn't make me feel better. NO contact would be the best thing to do.So I wasn't doing well with letting go but gradually started to feel better. And then...I found out that he's dating a woman from work, who i also know. And they started before we even broke up. There was so much pain i wanted to die. Such a betrayal, and all this time i believed all was my fault it didn't work. Also I realized he didn't want to improve anything but chose to monkey jump wherever easier. How could he switch that fast? He was always saying she was very unattractive and not his type in any way, he even wanted me and her to be friends! And here we are.


I wish there was no social media in the world - then i would simply never know about them! So again - don't check their accounts, you don't need to know, don't hurt yourself even more. He wasn't posting anything on his social media but she did once, it was enough. After they both blocked me. The biggest favor they did for me.


He denied that he cheated. Before I found out that truth, he was still contacting me, asked me about my sex life, even wanted to stop by, i said no, cause I knew he wanted to have sex. I don't know if it's gonna last long between them. But he is a narcissist, jumping from person to person (I also discovered during the break up, I was a rebound too). And yes he will always look at other women. He was texting me until lately repeating that he will always be there for me even after i went NC, which is ridiculous after all.


So I blocked his number.

I won't ever know if he texted me again but i feel good cause after that deep inside I'm not awaiting for anything from him any more.


So let me tell you- no contact, no checking his social media are golden rules. People keep saying it for a reason. I wish I could cut him off right after he said it was over- I would be fine by now. That's how you get disconnected from him.

Of course it's gonna take awhile to recover your self esteem, and blaming yourself is a usual thing, same as comparing. I still do, it's like a bad habit, can't get rid of it that easy. What I realized is when the person showed some indecent behavior or did something against your moral standards - don't try to understand how could he - you never will (and me too), because we are not them, and of course it's not your fault if hi did so. Same as committing a crime - one person can, another one cannot.

Sorry that happened to you, I know there will be better times.

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Oh he already went and blocked me and deleted every post or picture of me and untagged himself in as well. I don't understand why he completely lied about it and made up this ridiculous excuse. Someone who could lie and just discard me in that way isn't someone I want to be with but I just don't understand it.


Sometimes people lie and hide to avoid the drama. They don't want to be faced with the backlash and reaction of the dumpee, so they hide the truth. But yes, this is not the kind of man you want!


And don't think that this has anything to do with you or your worth, this has all to do with him. It's about him and his lack of character and not about who you are as a person.

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Sometimes people lie and hide to avoid the drama. They don't want to be faced with the backlash and reaction of the dumpee, so they hide the truth. But yes, this is not the kind of man you want!


And don't think that this has anything to do with you or your worth, this has all to do with him. It's about him and his lack of character and not about who you are as a person.


It's just all so crazy to me how someone could do that. Clearly the relationship didn't mean as much to him as he claimed ya know. He went from his divorce that he claimed his ex cheated to me to now this girl with little to no time alone. He went from one month telling me to throw away my birth control wanting to marry me the next month dumping me and the following month with someone else.


It's hurtful he lied about it multiple times. He even insisted on having a dinner a week later to tell me the same lies and even act like he cared and wanted me happy. Uhmmm what? Just so he could later discard me from his life.


You guys are definitely helping in realizing this was not my fault and that it doesn't have a reflection on my worth.

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I feel like this is just something that happens, too often actually. A person "lines up" someone else they want to start dating before their current relationship is over in order to make it easier to leave the person they are with and therefore not to have to spend any time alone after a breakup. Instead of feeling the pain alone, there is someone new already waiting and they can distract themselves immediately through the new relationship. There's no telling whether they will stay together, whether he will come back, etc. There is just no way to tell. Relationships start in all sorts of ways and end in all sorts of ways, for uncountable reasons.


But it's definitely not the healthiest way for a person to start a new relationship; saying this from experience. Ideally if you have to leave a relationship you leave it because it is not working or not fulfilling, then you spend some time alone re-grouping, taking care of yourself. Then when you're ready and you've grown a bit, someone else comes along. Doing the "monkey-branch" thing kind of sucks because -- since you haven't had any time to regroup as a single person -- you bring a lot of baggage from the last relationship into the new one.


I don't know if that's any comfort and I don't know what will happen to the new relationship he is in (no one knows!!), but it sounds like you are better off without him. And you'll be doing yourself a favor by spending some "single time" learning about yourself whereas he will likely be repeating all the same mistakes because he has not given himself any time to heal or grow on his own terms.


Just my thoughts.

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I feel like this is just something that happens, too often actually. A person "lines up" someone else they want to start dating before their current relationship is over in order to make it easier to leave the person they are with and therefore not to have to spend any time alone after a breakup. Instead of feeling the pain alone, there is someone new already waiting and they can distract themselves immediately through the new relationship. There's no telling whether they will stay together, whether he will come back, etc. There is just no way to tell. Relationships start in all sorts of ways and end in all sorts of ways, for uncountable reasons.


But it's definitely not the healthiest way for a person to start a new relationship; saying this from experience. Ideally if you have to leave a relationship you leave it because it is not working or not fulfilling, then you spend some time alone re-grouping, taking care of yourself. Then when you're ready and you've grown a bit, someone else comes along. Doing the "monkey-branch" thing kind of sucks because -- since you haven't had any time to regroup as a single person -- you bring a lot of baggage from the last relationship into the new one.


I don't know if that's any comfort and I don't know what will happen to the new relationship he is in (no one knows!!), but it sounds like you are better off without him. And you'll be doing yourself a favor by spending some "single time" learning about yourself whereas he will likely be repeating all the same mistakes because he has not given himself any time to heal or grow on his own terms.


Just my thoughts.


Thank you for your insight! This is what I feel like he did after his divorce. Got together with me 3-4 months later then monkeybranched to this new woman within a month. He then forwarded the relationship so fast granted I let it happen. He wanted to meet my family after two weeks of dating and knowing each other and become exclusive. Spoiled me with gifts and a Disneyland trip, the love you's and future talk after a month plus. Then did a 180 and branched to woman. I've been heartbroken but this time to myself has changed me for the better for future relationships I believe.

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I agree. Also seems like such people monkey-branch to somebody who can boost their self-esteem. Either to somebody who will tolerate their "difficult" sides and will be happy to be with them just because the guy finally paid attention on them. Or the opposite to somebody who is well above his "league".

I wish i could line up somebody not even for relationship but just for mutual fun instead of being depressed for months. Apparently it's not that easy for regular people to get over an ex and have fun. After break up I couldn't even think to have sex with somebody but him, it felt unnatural! Also I don't have that kind of luck to meet new people i would want to date right away.

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I agree. Also seems like such people monkey-branch to somebody who can boost their self-esteem. Either to somebody who will tolerate their "difficult" sides and will be happy to be with them just because the guy finally paid attention on them. Or the opposite to somebody who is well above his "league".

I wish i could line up somebody not even for relationship but just for mutual fun instead of being depressed for months. Apparently it's not that easy for regular people to get over an ex and have fun. After break up I couldn't even think to have sex with somebody but him, it felt unnatural! Also I don't have that kind of luck to meet new people i would want to date right away.


Does he even tell the new gf he just got out of a relationship? That would be a red flag for me. Unless they are starting the relationship off with a lie.


As for the person they go to after it could be. Maybe he didn't like that I'm an accountant and this new woman is in medical school. Maybe that boosts his ego more?


I'm the same way! I went on a couple dates and just couldn't handle it!! But that's probably because it was more real for us. The feelings were genuine from us at least that's what I believe in my case. A part of me feels like he forces these electric connections so to speak and I mean that's how he got me hooked and this new gf already is all about him so I'm guessing they have a great "connection" too.

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Does he even tell the new gf he just got out of a relationship? That would be a red flag for me. Unless they are starting the relationship off with a lie.


As for the person they go to after it could be. Maybe he didn't like that I'm an accountant and this new woman is in medical school. Maybe that boosts his ego more?


I'm the same way! I went on a couple dates and just couldn't handle it!! But that's probably because it was more real for us. The feelings were genuine from us at least that's what I believe in my case. A part of me feels like he forces these electric connections so to speak and I mean that's how he got me hooked and this new gf already is all about him so I'm guessing they have a great "connection" too.




The thing is, like I said in my first reply, his new gf knows me and about me, and that we lived together. I only have a feeling he told her we were done or nearly done when we were actually not at that moment. He lied already so many times I felt like it was a joke not a real relationship. That doesn't change much, because it would still be to soon to start new relationship. For any smart person. But she wanted him so bad i think she might be ignoring all the flags and moral standards or even was happy he finally dumped me. I would certainly be concerned if a guy promises me to get rid of his live-in girlfriend asap to get into new relationship. I mean we all worked in the same company, she saw us dating and then i moved in etc. I never liked her as I felt she wants what i have and she was pretty fake around me too and craved for attention. (Added: I quit that job a month before he broke up with me, but they are still there.)

All happened pretty fast as well, basically within a year. Same lovebombing, empty promises etc I didn't know i was a rebound and that he broke up with his ex right before me, that would explain a lot. Silly me, I thought he was so into me, that's why he was acting that crazy fast and doing all that stuff to keep me near. Talking about

he forces these electric connections so to speak and I mean that's how he got me hooked and this new gf already is all about him so I'm guessing they have a great "connection" too.


To be honest, I had a similar experience before, dating a recently divorced man short term. He basically was attacking me with his attention and doing all same stuff until he got me, and then started showing his true colors and took it all out on me. He had huge ego problems and was looking to get his self confidence back on my account. I wasn't in love and didn't consider that a long run but was still hurt and thought it would be a lesson for me. The latest ex didn't seem that way, although I was still thinking it was as well too fast.

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The thing is, like I said in my first reply, his new gf knows me and about me, and that we lived together. I only have a feeling he told her we were done or nearly done when we were actually not at that moment. He lied already so many times I felt like it was a joke not a real relationship. That doesn't change much, because it would still be to soon to start new relationship. For any smart person. But she wanted him so bad i think she might be ignoring all the flags and moral standards or even was happy he finally dumped me. I would certainly be concerned if a guy promises me to get rid of his live-in girlfriend asap to get into new relationship. I mean we all worked in the same company, she saw us dating and then i moved in etc. I never liked her as I felt she wants what i have and she was pretty fake around me too and craved for attention.

All happened pretty fast as well, basically within a year. Same lovebombing, empty promises etc I didn't know i was a rebound and that he broke up with his ex right before me, that would explain a lot. Silly me, I thought he was so into me, that's why he was acting that crazy fast and doing all that stuff to keep me near. Talking about


To be honest, I had a similar experience before, dating a recently divorced man short term. He basically was attacking me with his attention and doing all same stuff until he got me, and then started showing his true colors and took it all out on me. He had huge ego problems and was looking to get his self confidence back on my account. I wasn't in love and didn't consider that a long run but was still hurt and thought it would be a lesson for me. The latest ex didn't seem that way, although I was still thinking it was as well too fast.


I find that kind of sickening and sad that she knew about you guys and even worked with you. That is crazy to me. Is this just how they are with women or was it something they just did to us? Like were we the rebound and then we girl isn't? It doesn't make sense to hop into relationships like that idk. Yes all that lovebombing! I thought man I finally met someone who wants to commit and really loves me and is into me! It's shocking how fast they can suddenly change! I don't know whether to attribute it as a rebound or they are simply a selfish A Hole? Do you know what happened to that ex afterwards?


It's weird that I've had a lot of my friends and even co workers come up to me and tell me they always thought something was off about me ex like that he was too charming and over the top. One even said he seems like the kind of guy that would lie and say whatever to get what he wants. Or they thought it was strange how soon he was declaring love for me. And this kind of disturbed me because it wasn't just one or two people, it was a lot. I feel pretty dumb I fell for it all. They all think he is pretty much "psycho" for everything that has transpired before, during, and after. He probably already "loves" this new woman too.

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I find that kind of sickening and sad that she knew about you guys and even worked with you. That is crazy to me. Is this just how they are with women or was it something they just did to us? Like were we the rebound and then we girl isn't? It doesn't make sense to hop into relationships like that idk. Yes all that lovebombing! I thought man I finally met someone who wants to commit and really loves me and is into me! It's shocking how fast they can suddenly change! I don't know whether to attribute it as a rebound or they are simply a selfish A Hole? Do you know what happened to that ex afterwards?


It's weird that I've had a lot of my friends and even co workers come up to me and tell me they always thought something was off about me ex like that he was too charming and over the top. One even said he seems like the kind of guy that would lie and say whatever to get what he wants. Or they thought it was strange how soon he was declaring love for me. And this kind of disturbed me because it wasn't just one or two people, it was a lot. I feel pretty dumb I fell for it all. They all think he is pretty much "psycho" for everything that has transpired before, during, and after. He probably already "loves" this new woman too.


His ex before me actually dumped him and was love of his life. I discovered they were in touch even when we were already dating, he didn't tell her he's was with me. I wish I knew that... So I was a classic rebound as he confessed upon our break up that he will always love her. I wonder if he "forgot" to tell about it to his new gf too? lol It will be no surprise if that ex will eventually come back. (they've been having their on and off story for years, that was bothering me to death as well)


And again same things were happening to me, back those days our coworkers tried jokingly warn me about him, as he had that kind of image of being not a serious guy and divorced too and plus that messed up stuff with his ex many people new about. But then he was also sooo committed and so into me people started to get kinda jealous or at least i thought so...I wonder doesn't it feel sick to date him right after me working with same people who knew me? It's like picking up leftovers after somebody's dinner. She instead must feel very proud of herself idk. I would never be able to do that, I even asked him to keep it quiet at first, because i wasn't even sure if it was serious. But it's hard to hide especially when he wanted to show off.

And yes i think men like that choose easy preys like us, trusting and trustworthy, with integrity, to manipulate us better, especially after previous bad break up or divorce. Selfish indecent human beings. I liked that somebody in this thread (i guess) said that he didn't love he was just sentimental - that's very much on point. (in my case too).

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And like you said - commitment is what gets us, they seem very serious about all their intentions, and want to be around all the time and ready to help with everything, if those are not good signs then what are they? No one thinks about any red flags at that moment. All the fears faded away because i probably finally found my happiness right?

I don't even know how to believe in good intentions after that. It's gonna take some time.


But again don't think about why and how could he act like that, there's no point, you will never know. It's still beyond me.


Cut him off from everywhere and call it quits.

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His ex before me actually dumped him and was love of his life. I discovered they were in touch even when we were already dating, he didn't tell her he's was with me. I wish I knew that... So I was a classic rebound as he confessed upon our break up that he will always love her. I wonder if he "forgot" to tell about it to his new gf too? lol It will be no surprise if that ex will eventually come back. (they've been having their on and off story for years, that was bothering me to death as well)


And again same things were happening to me, back those days our coworkers tried jokingly warn me about him, as he had that kind of image of being not a serious guy and divorced too and plus that messed up stuff with his ex many people new about. But then he was also sooo committed and so into me people started to get kinda jealous or at least i thought so...I wonder doesn't it feel sick to date him right after me working with same people who knew me? It's like picking up leftovers after somebody's dinner. She instead must feel very proud of herself idk. I would never be able to do that, I even asked him to keep it quiet at first, because i wasn't even sure if it was serious. But it's hard to hide especially when he wanted to show off.

And yes i think men like that choose easy preys like us, trusting and trustworthy, with integrity, to manipulate us better, especially after previous bad break up or divorce. Selfish indecent human beings. I liked that somebody in this thread (i guess) said that he didn't love he was just sentimental - that's very much on point. (in my case too).


It sucks that we won't ever truly understand what they wanted or what their motive is but it hurts. This man had photos up of us all over his room and even had me bring clothes to have in his closet, the weirdest was telling me to toss my birth control. Are these new girls rebounds to the divorce too or what? They have taken zero time to themselves it's like what was said on the thread earlier it's like they are taking baggage upon baggage to each relationship.


His ex wife still has their engagement photos up on Facebook come to find out and she actually works for my company, different state now though, but still has his last name. I find it weird he never told me he was married before just saying ex doesn't imply wife to me. I don't know if she cheated actually. He only mentioned her a few times but it was never good things but they did start following each other on instagram about a week before we broke up. I thought that was strange as well.


It's crazy how the people around us can see it clearly cause we get so blind to it all we think we finally met this great guy but soon enough we found their true colors. I never thought someone was capable of lying about all of that and continuing to lie after that. Now with his new gf he already met her family too! They have pictures together it's like deja vu

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This alone is enough to run like the wind. Try to stop focusing on this as if it made any sense and refocus on his being an emotional train wreck after his divorce. You dodged a bullet.

He went from one month telling me to throw away my birth control wanting to marry me.
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His ex wife still has their engagement photos up on Facebook come to find out and she actually works for my company, different state now though, but still has his last name. I find it weird he never told me he was married before just saying ex doesn't imply wife to me. I don't know if she cheated actually. He only mentioned her a few times but it was never good things but they did start following each other on instagram about a week before we broke up. I thought that was strange as well.


He might be just that kind of indecent person, you don't know what happened with their marriage and why they got divorced. Do they have kids? It's strange that Instagram thing, maybe they were trying to be on good terms again.


But it doesn't matter now, what matters is what he did to you.


He might as well continue monkey branching, this is his way to live. I know how bad it hurts, it's not only about break-up and losing a person (although you never had him, he wasn't that person anyway), it's more about "he's is happy with someone else now (even if that will likely finish in sometime), and you doesn't matter and all of that it's not fair". Hopefully karma is there, we can't do anything about it.

But God forbid to contact him to find out "the truth".

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He might be just that kind of indecent person, you don't know what happened with their marriage and why they got divorced. Do they have kids? It's strange that Instagram thing, maybe they were trying to be on good terms again.


But it doesn't matter now, what matters is what he did to you.


He might as well continue monkey branching, this is his way to live. I know how bad it hurts, it's not only about break-up and losing a person (although you never had him, he wasn't that person anyway), it's more about "he's is happy with someone else now (even if that will likely finish in sometime), and you doesn't matter and all of that it's not fair". Hopefully karma is there, we can't do anything about it.

But God forbid to contact him to find out "the truth".


They did not have kids. But yes exactly it's seeing him look happy with someone else! I'm glad you know exactly what's going through my mind.


I think one of the worst and more hurtful parts for me is that he made it seem like he cared, like he said he hated hurting me but thn continued to lie to me over and over again. How can you try and console me when you know you are lying through your teeth and get together with someone else that fast. That part hurts and still makes me upset. Then to just completely block me on everything and don't exist...and then when I told him I'm gonna have some serious walls up now he says, "good."

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They did not have kids. But yes exactly it's seeing him look happy with someone else! I'm glad you know exactly what's going through my mind.


I think one of the worst and more hurtful parts for me is that he made it seem like he cared, like he said he hated hurting me but thn continued to lie to me over and over again. How can you try and console me when you know you are lying through your teeth and get together with someone else that fast. That part hurts and still makes me upset. Then to just completely block me on everything and don't exist...and then when I told him I'm gonna have some serious walls up now he says, "good."


Oh yeah I know exactly how you feel. Seems like lying behavior is pretty common too. It probably makes him feel better about himself and as someone said here - he just trying to avoid drama.

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Oh yeah I know exactly how you feel. Seems like lying behavior is pretty common too. It probably makes him feel better about himself and as someone said here - he just trying to avoid drama.


Drama from the mess he created! And being a lying A Hole. Lol. What was weird is that he only blocked me on fb and instagram but kept following my Snapchats and on twitter too. He would even like a tweet then later unlike it. I had to block him on those. That was weird to me. It's like he was messing with me.

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I would like to add regarding red flags and fast-paced relationships.

The thing is it's not necessarily a red flag, it happens so sometimes. Two adults meet and just give it a chance and don't want to stretch their relationship in years before taking some serious steps. There could be some life circumstances too.


In my case I moved with him in in about 3 month. That was and wasn't too soon. I was in my mid thirties he was 10 yrs older than me. We lived super far from each other and I anyway spent 3-4 days a week at his place. What was too soon and a red flag is that he was asking me to move in after barely a month of us dating. That seemed too much. And honestly I wouldn't take that step until longer. What was the worst - is that he didn't move on from his ex,she was supposed to move in with him but never did. So he found somebody who did instead. But I didn't know that. I was carried away with his serious intentions and commitment, because my other exes didn't want to commit at all.


And here's another example. My close friend met that guy at work, she was looking for a new place to move, he liked her and told her he was also looking for a new apartment. They went on a few dates, found a place and just simply moved in together as a couple! I know this is very extreme and crazy, and they are also middle-age people. They are still together, it's been 4 years.


So I would rather be more careful with a new boyfriend's background, and his dating history. Sometimes people hide it and lie so you never know until it's too late. But in case he told you or if he doesn't really have an image of a trustworthy person - you should question his actions. The bad thing sometimes you never know who you meet, if it's somebody not from your work/friends circle.

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