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need help on assignment


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Ok for English i have to write an extended metaphor poem, i have to have 1 simile, an example of a personification, an alliteration, and an internal rhyme. The thing i have to write it omn is up to us, the only guideline is i have to compare an abstract thing to a concrete item (ex love to a summers day) Any ideas for a topic would be appreciated.


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I`m an academic writing teacher, not a creative writing teacher, but I can sure check to make sure that your poem has the required elements once you come up with a draft. Just send it to me by pm and I`ll have a look and get back to you ASAP, which is usually pretty quick if I`m not sleeping!!


Among song lyrics that spring to mind as fitting the abstract/ concrete comparison that your assignment requires, Pink Floyd`s "Brain Damage" and Joni Mitchell`s "Both Sides Now" spring immediately to mind. In the former, the concrete element is in the title, while in the latter, the concretet elements are in each verse, so having a look at these might help to get you started on your own creation.


You can find the lyrics at link removed


Hope this helps!!

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I find that poetry is at its best when it comes from the heart. Write about something you feel passionate about. If you hate doing the dishes or walking the dog, write about that.


If it comes from the heart it will be easy. For example, compare doing the dishes to indentired servitude or something like that.


Research a controversial issue and compare something minor such as taking out the trash to it, i think it will definitely WOW the teacher.

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Exactly...write from the heart!!! Tell your thoughts and feelings.. come with a poem that shows who you are and what you`re about, and if others can relate, good for them!


Comparing the dishes or something mundane to a well-researched abstract concept will DEFINITELY make your teacher sit up and take notice. As far as doing the dishes : indentured servitude, that ain`t no analogy, that`s a fact. Happiest day of my life was the day the dishwasher was installed. Now, if I could just get a garbage disposer in my sink!!!!!

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well i finished my poem ill post it tomorrow. Thanks for all the help its about football though lol not dishes. I know football how corny but i love football. As you can tell im not the most creative guy, but i try.


Thanks so much

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Well here its is comments or criticism welcomed


To me Football is more then a game it's like a summers rising sun

The hot suns on your back as you run sprints

Tough and physical practices may not be fun

But when season predictions come out and your not on top you get an itch


The Work is worth it when you hear Roaring crowds that sound like lions on the sidelines

When you're tired and sore their roar picks you back up

Then the adrenaline pumps blood through your veins

And when a player goes down you pick them back up


So as the sun sets and practice comes an end

We have only one goal on Friday nights

To better ourselves and as a team mend

But the one goal is to come out and win under the lights

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Looks great! I especially like the way that we can really feel your love of football through your poem. I`ll pm you with a few suggested edits. You had a very successful weekend...now, presto, you`re a poet!!

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The idea here is to understand the Metaphor, and that through them we express concepts to one another.


There are several types of Metaphors and knowing about them is paramount to writing and thinking about poems.




the metaphor that emotions are related to up or down. which are spatical relationships but then transend them mear spatical part to take on meaning more then just worlds.


or like relating something to a flower. One can discribe a friendship or a friend as being like a new flower. We all mostly know what a flower means so we can take that and apply it to you scene that you are writing about.


None the less go find Landoffs and Lakes "Metaphors we live by" it will save the day. which is a dubble metaphor itself.



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