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death in your arms


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let me lie on your chest/while i breathe it all away/give me a heartbeat for my ear/i know it can beat without me/and maybe i don't want to let go/what if i stay?/days left to kiss you/days left to lie there/days to just be/but it's all left to chance/and i'm not strong enough to keep losing this game/you're strong enough to live through the pain/you were always winning...


my black eyeliner's running/as my life runs down my face/heartbeat in my ear/to give me the bravery to do this alone/breathe in, breathe out/you're so full of life/i can feel your future as i'm sliding/i'll put my arms around you/hold tight to your heartbeat/just kiss me/it's pure ecstasy/and i'm gone...


but reality is overrated/and im praying to someone who's not there/i'll lie on an empty bed/covered in sin/no heartbeat but the one in my chest/i just fade/i'll just stare at the ceiling/of my wh_rehouse/until i fade away...


and no one can guess a reason/i guess maybe i don't have a reason/except i just don't/need to breathe...



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