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A triangle with circles

Jon Murray

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In September 2017 my fiancée decided to end our 12 year relationship after many ups and downs. We have also 4 children together. When she told me to leave I was devastated I didn’t know what i was going to do, we constantly went round in circles in October, we was at each other’s throats! Through out October I was a mess people worried about my well being. My ex told me to move on and be happy, others said the same. November came and I actually met someone who turned my life around, we met up had a drink and we spent 5hours talking getting on like a moth to a flame, I wasn’t planning to meet someone so soon but I did and 2 and half months later we’re still getting on we’re both happy, enjoying our time together.


Then my ex decides she’s missing me, opens up my box I kept at the back of my mind, course I still miss her, I missed being home with my children everyday, she tells me the reasons why she did what she did, I understand why she did it, but now I have my self on a fence, October felt like a year! All I wanted to do was go home! But didn’t come close she was over me, I was so depressed most days I found myself staring into thin air for hours!! And then I met this other woman, looking as happy as ever, she was there picking me up when I need it, and now I get the chance to go home to my children? This new woman has been honestly a blessing to me, she is amazing! Has never done nothing to hurt me, I’ve told her what’s happening as I’m trying to be honest etc and last thing I want to do is hurt her. So my question is, will going home be worth losing this woman who has helped me through my tough times watching me hurt and being down but she stuck by me every time? I’m in a bad place right now as I really do not know what I’m going to do!!

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Why did your fiancee finally pull the plug? And what has made her come back for another chance?


I would carefully examine the issues that drove you apart and evaluate whether or not those can really be rectified. Otherwise, you'll probably be looking at yet another separation down the road.

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Sorry to hear this. Have you resolved any of the problems that caused the breakup? The new woman was just a breakup bandaid and she's not going to stick around anyway.

We have also 4 children together. we was at each other’s throats! I’ve told her what’s happening as I’m trying to be honest etc and last thing I want to do is hurt her.
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We had a lot of issues both being unhappy through out parts of the relationship, she was very unhappy by the end, she told me she don’t want to look back at life and realise she could of been happy with someone else etc.


The girl I’m with now is very caring and understanding, she has been patient with me throughout, she’s been through similar situations and got back with her ex and never worked out, she picked up the pieces what my ex done to me, she saw what a mess I was in and wanted to fix me.

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