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What is the matter with me?

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Already been reading up on baggagereclaim.com its great, and yes I started to see a counsellor and have a hospital appointment on 27th Feb. It is as if something has got to click, it feels its nearly there, hence why for the 1st time since we broke up ive stayed in my house alone at the weekend and enjoyed it.


Good for you!


Another thing that helped me, was getting involved in new activities: dancing, hiking, Meetups, classes volunteering, whatever.... It keeps you busy, introduces you to new people (friends), and expands interests.


Make an active effort to take the focus off him, and stop talking about him with friends .

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Oh, he is fading, I have started staying at one of my best friends on the weekends (apart from the last one) and I hardly talk about him as we are too busy being girls, shopping eating drinking and having a laugh. But its just when he pops into my head at weird times of the day or night its as if hes thinking the same, crazy I know. I dont want another guy Im not ready. Im back walking and in the middle of buying another horse. But i just get sad again for no reason :( x

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