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Ex and her friend started texting me

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Hey everyone! So my now ex gf and I broke up officially about a month and a half ago. We had been dragging it on for several weeks until the plug was finally pulled. To clarify, she was the one who pulled it, as I wanted to give it more effort.


So anyway, when we finally broke it off for good a month and a half ago, it was over text (again not my choice, but what can ya do?). She said something to the effect of "I think we're just really different people and are at different stages in our lives." So I told myself fine, and I said to her that I understand.

I left it at that. I didn't communicate to her in anyway shape or form for that next month and a half. We were completely out of each other's lives. Then last Friday I ran into one of her friends at his workplace. He was ringing me up and we were talking, and I asked him what he was doing these days. Then naturally I asked how my ex and her friend were doing. We left it at that and I walked out.


The next day, I get a text from my ex's friend (the one I asked about, not the one I ran into)

and she said (paraphrasing) "hey, I heard ---- saw you yesterday, so I just figured I should check in. How are you?"

To which I said "I'm great thanks, how are you?"

Pretty soon we were giving each other s**t like we used to do.


So, then this last Thursday, her friend started texting me again, and at the same time I get a "hey" text from my ex. I said oh f**k to myself. So I said "hey what's up?" And no response. Then 4 hours later she randomly (I know it's never random) texts me that her friend made dinner, so they were eating. So we talked for an hour or so and then we cut the convo.


Anyway to end this novel, we didn't text yesterday but we've been texting throughout the day today. I'm seeing if anyone could tell me what's up with this.


Thanks for reading!

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Do you want her back, or do you want to be a texting buddy?


Honestly, part of me does. However, she did kind of screw me over twice. The second time she decided to split off because she said I was "perfect" and she didn't have anything to complain about. So, yes part of me does, but I'm trying to be as cautious as I can be at the moment.

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Honestly, part of me does. However, she did kind of screw me over twice. The second time she decided to split off because she said I was "perfect" and she didn't have anything to complain about. So, yes part of me does, but I'm trying to be as cautious as I can be at the moment.


In what way?


I think she probably got wind that her friend is in contact with you and it made her a bit uncomfortable, so she reassured her own ego by reaching out to you and seeing if you'd still take the bait when she contacted you. In my mind, this is more about your ex's pride than anything else.


If she screwed you over twice, and thought only 1.5 months ago that you're too different to date, then there's not much to go with here.

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