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Very confused with this guy


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We are both freshmen in college. At the beginning of the year we talked a lot, we slept over with each other 3 times. During this time period I drunkenly hooked up with someone else and so did he. He told our mutual friend he does not like this girl whatsoever and it was a drunken hookup. I do not like the other guy either. I truly do like this guy though, I have never felt this way about anyone it drives me insane. We randomly stopped talking once winter break came. He never tried to contact me, and me being stubborn, I never contacted him either. He lives in New York and I live in Ohio so we were both home and didn't see each other for a month. I felt as if he was maybe trying to get rid of me. I go out to a bar with my friends once we got back from break, and I see him as soon as I walk in. I was not even planning on saying hi to him because once again, I'm stubborn. He comes up to me, hugs me, and asks me how I am acting like we are perfectly fine... As the night went on, we didn't leave each other's side. The girl he drunkenly hooked up with once was there and he did not even acknowledge her. He left his friends, I left mine, and we went back to his place. He also gave me his phone to hold while he went to the bathroom and I went through it (I know I shouldn't have) and he does not contact any other girls. I honestly like him so much I can't handle it anymore and I don't know what he wants. I can't tell how he feels about me. I know he isn't the type of guy to text someone all the time, and I feel as if us not talking over break was not him trying to get rid of me because if that was the fact he wouldn't have came up to me at the bar and stayed with me, right? I don't know. It's hard because we don't talk when we aren't together, but whenever we see each other out, we always cling to each other and go home together. What should I do? I can't keep driving myself crazy.

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Hi Molly,

I couldn't help but notice that you have started a new post almost daily about either this guy or another or a conflict with the friend.

I am sorry you lost your boyfriend and it does sound like you have a certain amount of anxiety and still trying to adjust.

My recommendation would to stop looking for relationship at this point. You mentioned that you keep running into young men looking for

hookups and by the looks of it, you've participated. But if it's a relationship you are after I'd curb the attention you are giving these guys, especially

in light of the fact that most of your circle that seem to know each other.

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I couldn't help but notice that you have started a new post almost daily about either this guy or another or a conflict with the friend.

I am sorry you lost your boyfriend and it does sound like you have a certain amount of anxiety and still trying to adjust.

My recommendation would to stop looking for relationship at this point. You mentioned that you keep running into young men looking for

hookups and by the looks of it, you've participated. But if it's a relationship you are after I'd curb the attention you are giving these guys, especially

in light of the fact that most of your circle that seem to know each other.

I second this post. Take time out, heal yourself. You are still very young and no need for this desperation to find another man. Plenty of time and plenty of fish in the sea. You need to be in a mentally healthier place before getting into another relationship for it to work anyway.

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He's being friendly because you two are Fbuddies. He and you don't live anywhere near one another, he didn't contact you on break and he is sporadic in his contact with you when you are in the same area.


Don't lose your heart to him. You are not even exclusive and the other girl may not mean anything to him but I'm sorry to say, by his actions, it looks like you don't mean all that much to him either. If you're going to keep hooking up with him then I suggest you talk to him about sexual exclusivity at least and always make sure he wears a rubber. Are you on the pill, Molly? (hope so). Even if you are, make sure he wears a rubber still because both of you are active. You don't want to get an STI/STD or cervical cancer. (buzz kill that I am... I'm keeping it real)

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