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going back to town where ex is

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hi everyone,


i am going back to the city (TO) where my ex and i were together for 2 years - its the first time since we broke up about a year ago (i live in a different city due to work - one reason i think our relationship didn't last). i'm going there because its on the way to a conference i am going to.


i am staying for about 4 days because i miss toronto actually and i wanted to see some of my friends who are still there. i have so many good memories there plus in general, its a fun city. i wanted to "relive" some of my youthful days wiht my old friends.


my question is: should i try to contact her for a coffee or something? we are on good terms - that's about it... we're not really friends though because we don't really talk to each other anymore. i am curious to how she is doing though, i.e., does she have a job now, how is life going in general, how is her family, etc... that would be my main reason to get in touch with her again. in reality, i don't really see us getting back together again - its would just be too hard.


any thoughts would be appreciated...

thanks everyone.

kung fu

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If you can stand finding out that she is happy in a new relationship, then I would say yes.


The breakup was one year ago and you are on friendly terms. Why not?


I have met an ex about a year after the breakup and it was good to see him again. Problem was that he wanted to get back together, which I did not, but otherwise it was good.

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hey thanks guys for your advise... good points.


i remember when i found out that my first ex had a new bf - it hurt but, it certainly sped up my recovery process.


actually, i'm pretty sure she has a new bf now.


ahhh - whatever - if it happens, it happens - if it doesn't, it doesn't.

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