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You was right as usual


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Hey guys you where alright. The girl I was seeing for a while has broken my heart. She was not long out of a relationship when we met for the second time, the first time we hung out it was the same situation she left me to go back to her x.

She told me he was abusive physically and mentally.

Hanging out it started off as friends and just grew, We would hang out all the time and it became like a relationship, so much so we went back to Scotland and stayed with my family for 2 weeks at Christmas (we live in the states) it was great we had a wonderful time but she was very emotional which I can now see was a huge red flag, she did tell me she wasn't ready for anything serious but like the stupid person I was I continued to hang out with her and got feelings, she would tell me she's so scared because she feels like she's falling in love with me again but her mind is stopping her. We had a lot of up and downs, one night though I was out with her and her family (mid December) and she said she had to leave she messaged me saying she loves me and sorry for freaking out but it got to much for her because it felt like we was in a relationship. We then continued to hang out and it was good. When we arrived back from Scotland (January 10th) she messaged me saying she had the most amazing time and that she couldn't imagine spending 2 weeks with anyone and still want to see that person the next day for breakfast on our return. The next few days where good, I then started to feel like it wasn't going anywhere and that I needed to back away. Especially after I found out about the night in mid December (a mutual friend told me, they didn't have sex) but I felt betrayed despite her not being straight with me. I started to back away, we didn't speak for 10 days then I needed to get in touch regarding her card that was sent to my house. I message her a message saying I know about the mid December incident, she shouldn't have used the abuse card but that I feel like it's for the best. I told her I loved our time together and she would always hold a special place in my heart and I wished her all the success in the world. She came back so aggressive "I can do what I like, I told u I wasn't ready for anything serious" and things of that nature again I tried to calm the situation but she was so angry. I left it and I know it's for the best but I'm feeling really sad it wasn't left on a positive note. She found out I had went out with a female friend from some random a week after we stopped talking but it was nothing more than after work drinks. I wish I could take a pill to just numb the hurt. I know In time it'll be fine we are both late 20s it's just sad.

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Hey guys you where alright. The girl I was seeing for a while has broken my heart. She was not long out of a relationship when we met for the second time, the first time we hung out it was the same situation she left me to go back to her x.

She told me he was abusive physically and mentally.

Hanging out it started off as friends and just grew, We would hang out all the time and it became like a relationship, so much so we went back to Scotland and stayed with my family for 2 weeks at Christmas (we live in the states) it was great we had a wonderful time but she was very emotional which I can now see was a huge red flag, she did tell me she wasn't ready for anything serious but like the stupid person I was I continued to hang out with her and got feelings, she would tell me she's so scared because she feels like she's falling in love with me again but her mind is stopping her. We had a lot of up and downs, one night though I was out with her and her family (mid December) and she said she had to leave she messaged me saying she loves me and sorry for freaking out but it got to much for her because it felt like we was in a relationship. We then continued to hang out and it was good. When we arrived back from Scotland (January 10th) she messaged me saying she had the most amazing time and that she couldn't imagine spending 2 weeks with anyone and still want to see that person the next day for breakfast on our return. The next few days where good, I then started to feel like it wasn't going anywhere and that I needed to back away. Especially after I found out about the night in mid December (a mutual friend told me, they didn't have sex) but I felt betrayed despite her not being straight with me. I started to back away, we didn't speak for 10 days then I needed to get in touch regarding her card that was sent to my house. I message her a message saying I know about the mid December incident, she shouldn't have used the abuse card but that I feel like it's for the best. I told her I loved our time together and she would always hold a special place in my heart and I wished her all the success in the world. She came back so aggressive "I can do what I like, I told u I wasn't ready for anything serious" and things of that nature again I tried to calm the situation but she was so angry. I left it and I know it's for the best but I'm feeling really sad it wasn't left on a positive note. She found out I had went out with a female friend from some random a week after we stopped talking but it was nothing more than after work drinks. I wish I could take a pill to just numb the hurt. I know In time it'll be fine we are both late 20s it's just sad.


Anytime someone pulls those lines, RUN as fast as you possibly can. Those are just excuses and I have heard them quite a few times from several guys. My feeling is that she was either playing games or lost interest for one reason or another. Someone not ready to date will not date. After I broke up w/my ex, I couldn't even look at a guy for 3 months after, I then started coming out of that shell ready to be w/someone. Forget her, she isn't worth your time and not worth keeping around as she will end up screwing w/you.

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