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Help what do i do!?!?


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I was involved with an older guy awhile back (family never knew anything about him) I didn't wanna talk to him any more because things got weird (he was married I didn't know about. Never mention that or wore a ring, I think she found out not sure). I blocked him off everything and I get 5+. calls a day from an "NO CALLER ID" I know it's him it's so creepy he knows where I live and he keeps trying to contact me in any way. I got my friend to answer once you just heard breathing on his end and hangs up! I don't want to get police involved if I really don't have to but this so so weird what do I do!!! Do I change my number, my face book, my Instagram, my car license plate? Idk! Please any help!

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I would honestly just tell my parents and call the police. It depends on how old you are? I'm assuming very early 20's like 21-23? Only because if he knows where you live you don't want him driving by. I've had an ex do that and it was scary. If he's married messing with younger women he doesn't seem to have a very trustworthy character. Keep yourself safe. Has this been going on long now?

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I'm 20 and he 30 and he was super nice and a lot of fun we never dated and it more casual. It been going on for couple months now. He always talked about people a cop and trying to get in idk if he ever became a cop if he will always find out where I live since they have those special computers (I really don't know) but it's just super weird.

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When I was 20 a 34 year old was interested in me and it was extremely creepy. He isn't THAT old but he's old enough for it to be weird especially since he is married. Being a cop is even more dangerous because he is armed. All I can say is if it continues you might need to get the police involved because regardless of what you do he will know where you live.

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First I would say just change your number. Maybe he is just messing with you. if all he's been doing is calling you for a few months straight it isn't necessarily threatening. I'm just afraid to tell you to not call the police because I don't want to automatically assume he wouldn't do anything or take it to extremes. He could be paranoid you'd tell his wife even. You never know with people these days what they are capable of. You might need to tell your parents if the behavior escalates. You want to make sure you stay safe. And please don't date older men it is ALWAYS dangerous!! I never date someone more then 4 years older than me from personal experiences. or it can be very controlling they will see you as some pretty young girl to boss around and use..

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I was involved with an older guy awhile back (family never knew anything about him) I didn't wanna talk to him any more because things got weird (he was married I didn't know about. Never mention that or wore a ring, I think she found out not sure). I blocked him off everything and I get 5+. calls a day from an "NO CALLER ID" I know it's him it's so creepy he knows where I live and he keeps trying to contact me in any way. I got my friend to answer once you just heard breathing on his end and hangs up! I don't want to get police involved if I really don't have to but this so so weird what do I do!!! Do I change my number, my face book, my Instagram, my car license plate? Idk! Please any help!


Change your phone number. Why havent you done that already?

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that's very possible, I don't know too much about how all of that works. i'm just afraid he would show up to your house now and hurt you. i'm afraid that if you don't do anything about it then he will find a way to hurt you regardless of being a cop or not. have you tried just talking to him on the phone during one of his calls and saying you can not see him anymore and to please stop calling you?


and if his behavior continues to escalate you do need to do something about it. def try changing your number first, if anything.

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yes I agree with the above. change your number and see if it all quiets down. if he STILL finds ways to harass you block him on everything. and if he STILL somehow finds a way to contact you, like finding out your new number or driving past your house you definitely need to do something about it whether he is a cop or not...


but first change your number and block him on everything and see if he just goes away. he could possibly just be messing with you because you're allowing it to continue.

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