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Hello mate,


"how do you stop your imagination running wild though? my ex has moved into her new place... all i keep thinking now is she must be having a moving in party, all her friends there and their partners and then probably my ex is with one of their boyfriends friends etc... my head is spinning i just cant shut off!!! im going insane "


- You keep busy and do everything you can to keep her from your thoughts.. each day gets a little easier, I promise.


"I am literally replaying our last conversation (2 months back) and questioning if i drove her away - as i said i was deleting her number and i guess id see if she wanted us to be together - and yep she never replied "


- Same as me buddy.. Take the no contact as your motivation to move on from this and find better.


"my friend said maybe i should try and bump into her or talk to her... i just cant though but i know i cant carry on how i am im going crazy"


- I would urge you not to do this. She knows where you are and how to get in touch, IF she wanted to. Keep writing and journaling your thoughts, but don't contact her. It would only set you back.


Keep strong.

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My ex drove past me this morning while I was filling the car up... I have no clue if she saw me or not but i know it’s set me back massively!!!


If she see me - she didn’t reach out


Now she has moved near me I hope this doesn’t keep happening


I guess my friends and family will get fed up of me going on and on about her


It’s so hard!!!! Just want the ground to open up and swallow me!!!

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