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Parents strict criteria on gf


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Got gf at moment but have yet introduce her to my parents. I knew her a while.My nosey parents would ask what she do for living and I’ll tell them she works at factory making clothes, does she drive they ask and I say no, ask what her parents do and I say one works at restaurant and another works at factory. They don’t speak English.

My parents ask me why she lived in Canada since age of 8 and she’s 30 now and doing a low end job and why she can’t drive or no drivers licesne.


They are telling me find someone who is smarter than me, strong, and can help me and provide family and give value and benefit into our current household or why even marry her. Mom also mentioned if girl can drive that daughter in law can driver her around. Lol. Mom said she getting old and we need someone to help us out. Lol how many girls these days in Canada would cook and clean and work full time job as professional and at same time marry an office assistant guy


The thing is if girl has a high end job aka lawyer and drives a bmw why would she date me. They also want a guy who’s also successful white collar. I also got low end job lol


You comments and thoughts please


They also don’t like girls who wear makeup , get

Nails done or any pretty stuff. They think it’s waste of money. they mainly looking for homely women who also makes the money and stays home and does household work

Someone who you marry can be of great added benefit and value to me and my parents in helping them be it doing the taxes, driving mom to grocery shopping, great financial management and can take care of family and other stuff .....etc

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You know what --- unless you are in Quebec and she speaks French -- your parents are right to be concerned about a woman who doesn't speak and works in a factory or at a restaurant. They would think 1) They might be trafficked 2) they might be illegal or at least there under tenuous circumstances 3) She could be looking to marry to stay in the country. 4) What do you have in common with a woman who doesn't speak English and works at the lowest rung at her employer?


ow many girls these days in Canada would cook and clean and work full time job as professional and at same time marry an office assistant guy


So you want a woman who is going to cook and clean for you and not work or have a very menial job to look after you? Ever heard about pulling your weight -- you don't have to find a woman who is a lawyer with a BMW, but a woman who speaks the more prominent local language and is therefore not stuck in life? Someone you have things in common with? your parents love you and are concerned for you.



you talk about benefiting your "current household" -- why not move out and get a roommate. Why are you a part of your parents' household still?

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I think mom is also looking for her own personal driver and housekeeper. She is not being selfless. She is also looking fir a woman who will help support her and your father. Right? UGH!


I do agree with finding someone who is legal, speaks the language, and has some education, for the benefit of you and future children.


Why are you still with mommy and daddy? How much education do you have? Have you considered a better-paying position?

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Prefer her family is well off too since my mom said she met a guy and his wife’s family bought mansion they live in and wife is accountant and guy is part time restaurant worker lol

Told me I can find one too a rich girl and help us out in life

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Do I understand this right? Your mom wants you to find a girl with a good job and who makes decent money so you can hopefully marry her and then this girl can be your mother's slave and drive her where she wants to go and do chores around the house? No girl in her right mind would sign up for that.

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Prefer her family is well off too since my mom said she met a guy and his wife’s family bought mansion they live in and wife is accountant and guy is part time restaurant worker lol

Told me I can find one too a rich girl and help us out in life


I think that this may occur in a rare situation.


Why don't you do some self improvement, so that you have more to offer, instead of depending on a woman to provide for you. Where is you self respect!!!

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Do I understand this right? Your mom wants you to find a girl with a good job and who makes decent money so you can hopefully marry her and then this girl can be your mother's slave and drive her where she wants to go and do chores around the house? No girl in her right mind would sign up for that.


OP, Is this a joke! I can't believe this! LOL!

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May I ask where your folks grew up? Sounds cultural and like they are from a different time and place.


How long have you been living in Canada and are you a citizen? Because if you are Canadian , guess what? You don't have to be bound by those traditions.

Exactly. .....

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May I ask where your folks grew up? Sounds cultural and like they are from a different time and place.


How long have you been living in Canada and are you a citizen? Because if you are Canadian , guess what? You don't have to be bound by those traditions.


He doesn't, but in many cultures the parents will disown the child if they don't follow their specific culture, regardless if its Canada, USA or anywhere else "free". Recently went through it with a girl, I wasn't some form of Orthodox Christian (being a baptized "regular Christian" wasn't good enough lol) so it was a no-go with her parents. I just walked away from it, no time for that.

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Your an adult, act like one.


If my parents told me they wanted that in a daughter in law I would laugh at their faces and walk off.


You are going to have a hard time ever finding a SO(worth a d@mn) if you don't put your parents in their place.


It doesn't sound like your parents are just expressing their views as much as telling you what to do.


Why is it your SO's responcibility to be your parents slave?


It sounds like they need to hire a person to fill this need instead of trying to enslave a woman to be your wife and their servant.


Your parents sound terrible. Lazy and controlling.

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Not young as I’m 37 plus I have a hard time getting a gf too

I go on many dates from online and most of them end up being one time coffee dates. Not much time plus most women are taken ,married

I think if Iet this girl go I won’t find another one too. My history dating wise isn’t successful at all.

My job is considered low end even though I tried and went to school and my social skills aren’t good

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Not young as I’m 37 plus I have a hard time getting a gf too

I go on many dates from online and most of them end up being one time coffee dates. Not much time plus most women are taken ,married

I think if Iet this girl go I won’t find another one too. My history dating wise isn’t successful at all.

My job is considered low end even though I tried and went to school and my social skills aren’t good

I am sure with parents like you have you will continue to have dating issues.


I can't imagine how messed up they have made your relationship awareness\logic.


Cut the parents out of your love life and you might have a chance.

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Don't let your mom pimp you out for her fantasies of a rich and pampered life. Find a girl you love for who she is not a slave and meal ticket for your mom.:eek: Your mother sounds over involved and needy and dissatisfied with life. Why didn't she find a guy who gave her all that? That's the real issue here.

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Not young as I’m 37 plus I have a hard time getting a gf too

I go on many dates from online and most of them end up being one time coffee dates. Not much time plus most women are taken ,married

I think if Iet this girl go I won’t find another one too. My history dating wise isn’t successful at all.

My job is considered low end even though I tried and went to school and my social skills aren’t good


Take the girl and run, your parents will get over it.

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