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My boyfriend only said he's "a bit" excited to have sex with me? Is this a red flag?


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So I was messaging my boyfriend and kinda teasing around saying oh I can't wait to have sex with him (we haven't done it yet and I was just showing him how excited I am because my sex drive is so high in general) and then he says something like "I am a bit". The thing that threw me off was the a bit part so I asked him saying, "A bit?" And then he is like "ughhhhhh ok fine then a lot". Is this a red flag?


In general he does not have a high sex drive. His sex drive is quite low actually... but when he said a bit I was thinking he's not that excited to have sex with me...

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This demonstrates one of the huge problems with messaging. You don't get the tone of voice and the body language that goes with it. Try it yourself... try saying "I am a bit" as if you were (a) absolutely gagging for it; (b) meh and © fearful.


Do you see what I mean? The written words can be the same, the meaning behind them totally different.


In answer to your question, no, it isn't a red flag and you're way, way overthinking this.


Just relax and enjoy!

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Stop texting and have sex. Then you'll know what he meant. It could have been a joke. It could be him telling you that he isn't that into sex. It could be nothing either way. Just get to know each other better and find out what your sexual connection is like before you start overanalyzing a two word text.

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Well after he said that I'm like hmmm ok then and then he was like "just ok?" with a pouty emoji so I can't tell what he meant with the a bit part..


Stop it. Keep connecting with him in person and find out what your sexual connection is like. You will know what he means when you know him better. Stop overanalyzing texts, it gets you no where.


And if you can't stop, just ask him what he means.

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