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Need insight into my situation.


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This has been an ongoing situation for nearly six months now, but back in July my girlfriend of ten months dumped me over very stupid reasons. Two weeks before this we broke up for three days over a stupid fight in which she slapped me across the face and I yelled at her about it and the entire time she never seemed to grasp that hitting me was wrong and I was justified in being angry about it. The relationship we had was a good one and was very loving and we had gotten back together for two more weeks in which everything went back to normal and we spent our time going out on romantic dates, she became friends with this guy at a concert we went to and kept talking to him, one of her friends had slept with this guy and confided in my ex that this guy was horrible in bed, I thought nothing of this cause he didn't appear to be a threat to me in any way shape, or form. I had been fired from two jobs at this point and she had been supportive about it but then just changed out of no where and dumped me because of being unemployed, then the next day she stayed at this guys house and they had slept together. This caused strife between us and a huge argument in which she defended herself and I lost my mind on her, after this though I completely disagreed with the break up and spent months trying to get her back, she was extremely hot and cold with me for a long time, one day she'd sent me a message saying "I love you and hope for the best", then the next would tell me we can only be friends and that she's moved on and has been going on countless dates and how all these guys are "better" than me.


I still wanted her back and kept putting up with the mood swings because I felt lost without her, fast forward a bit, we started working things out, she stayed the night at my place, cuddled up to me all night and told me she loves me, then two days later she met this guy and they started dating two days later, right after she told me she'd never do something like that to me, she then got all hateful and claimed she's moved on, he's better then me and that she didn't know what she wanted and didn't want to be with me and then told me she had been going through my Facebook account for weeks and during the relationship had been doing behind my back but said if we became friends she'd be open to us being together, I ignored her for days afterward but she then showed up at a show I was at begging me to let us be friends and how she "deeply cares" about me, hugging me and in tears I wasn't talking to her, the next day we met up and she went all hateful again, started a giant fight between us and slapped me across the face, fast forwarding more because after this it was the same old mood swings, those two broke up in a month flat, she came back to accuse me of being "abusive" and "manipulative", then a few weeks later, one week after she slept with another guy she came back to me wanting to work things out, I agreed cause I still, despite all this nonsense loved her.


She stayed the night here, we made love and it felt like we never broke up, it was great. I had gotten into her Facebook account at this time, it was wrong of me, I know, but originally I needed answers but I stayed to make sure her heart was in the right place this time. Going through her account, she was making up lies about me, talking sheer trash about me, had been going out on insane amount of dates once it ended, told her friends how she wanted was "" and how she needed to get "laid", spent her time drinking, partying, smoking weed, things she hated when we were together, the guy she banged a day after me is now her best friend, yet the night she stayed here, all she did in the account when I read it was tell her friends how she still loved me, how she was gonna get back together with me and how she hasn't been nice to me. The next morning when I was going to work and going to drop her off at home, we got into an accidental car crash that she got injured in. When it first happened for the entire day she was completely cool about it, I was still reading in her account and she was defending me to her friends, the next day she changed and began to hate me for the crash, blaming me for everything, freaking out on me and threatening to sue me.I was doing the best I can to try and help her, I told her she needed to contact my insurance about it, but she refused and insisted on holding me accountable for an accident that she originally defended me for, While we were supposedly trying to work this out she was obsessed with the guy she banged a week before me and kept trying to get with him and kept going out on dates with guys that weren't me, talked horrible about me and only talked to me about the crash and kept trying to get me to pay for her painkillers and everything she needed, and did nothing about her own situation and expected me to deal with it. Fast forward a little bit and she told me once I pay for the physio that she needed for her injuries we can get back together and when I told her I'm not helping her unless we are truly gonna work this out she revealed to me she had a new boyfriend that she had been hiding from me for the last two days since they got together, and sent me a picture of her and him flipping me off, she carried on messaging me solely about her physio and repeatedly kept blaming me for this, constantly saying "my injury is caused by you." Those two broke up in about a month, like the previous guy.


I didn't hear from her for two weeks, she then popped up out of no where, bringing up stuff about me that had just happened she wouldn't know about unless she had been going through my Facebook account, which she had hinted at doing. She then showed up at my house without my permission demanding tax work of hers that I did not have, with her "best friend" beside her, I told her to leave and then she spent the next day threatening to call the police on me regarding the paperwork and now I haven't heard from her in two weeks. I just found out she just started dating a new guy yesterday and spends her time going to raves and partying with a "serious back injury". Keep in mind, I am no longer going into her account, I had confessed to her about doing it and she lost her mind about it, this being shortly before telling me we can get back together after I pay her medical bills. This has been an ongoing situation for six months, I've left a lot out because I didn't want to write a novel about this, but I need insight into this, because I'm so hurt and condused about her and her behaviour.

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Why would you want to be with a woman who is ho- ing herself left and right, who is putting you on the back-burner and only comes back whenever she is not with a guy to ho with, who is malicious with her bad gossip and lies about you? Have respect for yourself! You deserve better!

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My apologies for how it's formatted, I should of broke it up, I was just being lazy when typing it. However I completely understand where you guys are coming from, I do not think I have an interest in reconciling with this girl, I was just looking for insight from neutral parties.

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She sounds like a trashy party animal. In the mean time contact your insurance and report the accident to cover your butt. You need to call them, not her. Stop blackmailing her before she rightfully slaps you with a huge personal injury suit. Withholding her belongings and refusing to give her the insurance info unless she gets back with you is abusive.


If you don't listen to her complaints, an attorney gladly will. And now she has tons of evidence that she was injured and can easily get a police report which will state who was driving, whose car, etc. Your insurance should be paying her medical bills whether you get back together or not. Give her her paperwork and all her stuff, stop playing games. Why did she say you were abusive?

she came back to accuse me of being "abusive" and "manipulative". we got into an accidental car crash that she got injured in. I told her I'm not helping her unless we are truly gonna work this out . She then showed up at my house without my permission demanding tax work of hers that I did not have, with her "best friend" beside her, I told her to leave and then she spent the next day threatening to call the police on me regarding the paperwork.
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I'm not black mailing her, my insurance is already paying for her injuries and she's attempting to file more law suits on which my insurance has even told me that she's just being money hungry. She showed up here demanding paper work from me that I did not have, she's just trying to get money. Did you even properly read this? I'm not liable to pay her stuff myself, that's from the insurance.

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Exactly. Your insurance should be paying the medical bills. Stay in touch with your insurance company. She can still sue you, but if she does your insurance company will hire an attorney. Sever all ties with her. Block and delete her and if she persists in showing up at your place, get a restraining order.

I'm not liable to pay her stuff myself, that's from the insurance.
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