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I couldn't talk, I couldn't tell, basically my life is hell


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I just wondered if anyone has had suffered from emotional abuse.Itkinda feels like living in prison..Don't talk, why are you so stupid? Why are you so fat? Your hair looks ugly, why do you wear it like that..This is what i got told weekly almost daily..why did I put up with it? Because no one believed me that why. Yeah I even got hit once, I even went to court several times, tried to get a restraining order..went to conseling, went to a women's abuse center..No one helped because he's realated to the sheriff, was very good friends with the women that ran the women's shelter and he works for the schools and use to run a multi million dollar business. A little peon like me could never prove a well rounded business man to quilty of any kind of abuse.. who would ever believe me..so I suffer in silence and hope and pray that someday he will leave me alone..The system has failed me so I try to deal with him the best i can..the scars are deep it hurts like hell. I can't hardly fuction, I get sick alot. I think I'm tramatized from being screamed at..the only reason I posted this is because emotional abuse is real and very hard to prove because it doesn't leave physical marks.

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Hi there


Im so sorry to hear of your story. What a horrific human being he is. I am myself going through something similar but nothing physical. Well I think I am anyway. No one should ever be made feel worthless and treated that way.


Please remember you are worth a million more of him, he is a weak man. Picking on someone who he seen couldn't "stand up for themselves" And I mean that in no disrespect whatsoever. I used to always think it would be easy to leave a situation like that but its not. Its extremely difficult when you are bullied and manipulated into thinking everything is your fault. ITS NOT!!!!!!! You have done nothing to deserve any of this. No one ever does. You are so strong for even trying to do something about it. You should be super proud of yourself (I cant even get the courage to walk away)


I really hope you get the happy ending you deserve because you are so much stronger than you think. ALOT of women/men never take a stand.

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Thankyou..I been we two abusive men..one was physical one is emotional..But the emotional seems to hurt worse and the scary part is I never know what to expect..But it seems to be a pattern with me. I need to figure out why I choose these type of men..All I can say is that in the beginning of each relationship it seemed okay and i took it slow but I never saw the red flags until I moved in with these jerks..and yes it's very hard to break free

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How is he bothering you now?


I've been through physical and verbal/ emotional abuse and I can verify the emotional scars run way deeper than

any physical pain caused(even had fractured ribs that hurt way less). You forget the physical abuse

easier when you can distance yourself from the abuser, but the emotional abuse takes a toll on your self esteem

and confidence. I'm surprised to hear you received no help at the women's shelter. They cannot turn anyone away,

and you don't ever need to provide the name of the abuser. So, can you try again in a town close to you?

There's a hotline number all shelters have also. Try that. Get all the counseling you need to heal and empower yourself

outside of the district you reside in.

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He's leaving notes under my door saying that he doesn't love me but he will always take care of me. He left me food and stuff like that it's weird..then he texted me I told you I would always take care of you..it's strange I'm trying to go no contact with him but I'm also cared of making him mad..I honestly don't know what to do..Here is the even stranger part i broke up with him before because I found out he cheated..I thought finanly he will leave me alone..He never moved on never stoppex coming to see me..I tried being his friend to keep him calm if you get what I mean..nothing I say or do seems to work.

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He's leaving notes under my door saying that he doesn't love me but he will always take care of me. He left me food and stuff like that it's weird..then he texted me I told you I would always take care of you..it's strange I'm trying to go no contact with him but I'm also cared of making him mad..I honestly don't know what to do..Here is the even stranger part i broke up with him before because I found out he cheated..I thought finanly he will leave me alone..He never moved on never stoppex coming to see me..I tried being his friend to keep him calm if you get what I mean..nothing I say or do seems to work.


None of this is okay. Do you have friends or family that you can tell?

You sound very young. Where are you living? Are you alone?

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I just wondered if anyone has had suffered from emotional abuse.Itkinda feels like living in prison..Don't talk, why are you so stupid? Why are you so fat? Your hair looks ugly, why do you wear it like that..This is what i got told weekly almost daily..why did I put up with it? Because no one believed me that why. Yeah I even got hit once, I even went to court several times, tried to get a restraining order..went to conseling, went to a women's abuse center..No one helped because he's realated to the sheriff,
Have you tried secretly taping him when he's on you like that? If people hear it with their own ears, they will believe you.


was very good friends with the women that ran the women's shelter and he works for the schools and use to run a multi million dollar business. A little peon like me could never prove a well rounded business man to quilty of any kind of abuse.. who would ever believe me..so I suffer in silence and hope and pray that someday he will leave me alone..The system has failed me so I try to deal with him the best i can..the scars are deep it hurts like hell. I can't hardly fuction, I get sick alot. I think I'm tramatized from being screamed at..the only reason I posted this is because emotional abuse is real and very hard to prove because it doesn't leave physical marks.

Locate a therapist and tell him/her what has been going on.

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I'm going to conseling and i plan on moving away. That's the only chance I have I think is to move farther away.

Good. Now, when you move away, make sure you get your current therapist to refer you to another therapist near where you are moving to. Ongoing counsel will help you to regain your self worth and hopefully teach you about red flags and to have the strength to leave someone the first time they show you a red flag.

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