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Back together, how to proceed from here????


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My ex broke up with me over 2 months ago, i went NC. After the 2 months i contacted her and she admitted to having strong emotions for me for the past month but did not know if its love she was feeling or not. We have been hanging out together and we have reconnected well, she said she wants to meet up more and see where things go. Now my question is, on my part, how do i approach this? so far i have treated our situation and our meetings like dates, laying back, not being needy, flirting and just having a fun time.


It seems she is leaning more towards accepting her emotions, but i would like to know from those who have experience with getting back together with an ex, what was your approach?? what worked and what didnt?? what would your advice be for me in this situation in terms of rekindling the spark????


Thanks beforehand!!

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Are you back together or trying to make this ex a best friend also? Have you changed the fundamental reason she left?:

i went into this relationship with the mindset that i dont want a future or children and that it was a one day at a time thing, she went along, but one day at a time turned into 2 years. she mentioned how its very tough for her but the relationship didnt make sense because i didnt want any future with her
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If she dumped you once be wary..nothing has changed being apart for only 2 months. I think you’re risking your heart all over again.


Totally agree...


I was with my EX for over 2 years when we initially broke up...

We broke up for 3 months... She wanted us back together as the grass was not so greener on the other side..

She cried her eye's out when we met up... And dumb me fell for it...

I was trying to work on re-attraction between us, but I am no longer sure why she wanted to be back together...

3 months later, she was on her way out again... And even referred to the initial break up issue... As if she never got over it to begin with and never gave us a chance.... I instead found myself trying to be this person she outlined in the first break up that I was not... So I found myself trying to make it work... I do not think she actually tried at all...

Been NC now almost 6 months...

Met someone new and the EX is starting to fade...

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Totally agree...


I was with my EX for over 2 years when we initially broke up...

We broke up for 3 months... She wanted us back together as the grass was not so greener on the other side..

She cried her eye's out when we met up... And dumb me fell for it...

I was trying to work on re-attraction between us, but I am no longer sure why she wanted to be back together...

3 months later, she was on her way out again... And even referred to the initial break up issue... As if she never got over it to begin with and never gave us a chance.... I instead found myself trying to be this person she outlined in the first break up that I was not... So I found myself trying to make it work... I do not think she actually tried at all...

Been NC now almost 6 months...

Met someone new and the EX is starting to fade...


Good for you man...I had an ex come back once after she dumped me..I had already healed and had been dating and sleeping with other gals finally..and believe me that dumping crushed me..I told her forget it. If they hurt you once they have that in them to hurt you again. Find someone new

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Good for you man...I had an ex come back once after she dumped me..I had already healed and had been dating and sleeping with other gals finally..and believe me that dumping crushed me..I told her forget it. If they hurt you once they have that in them to hurt you again. Find someone new


Yeah... Totally agree...

They know that they can do it again, because they know that they can find away to come back again...And if you take them back once, you will be dumb enough to take them back again...

Not this time... Although my gut feeling says that she will resurface and find a way to contact me...

Might not be soon, but soon enough...

And yes, the first time I was already healing and moving on...And kaboom, she crawled back.... ughhh... Just to step on my heart all over again... And she knew that it would hurt me even worse... So it was like some sort of a sick joke...

Actually she got into a new relationship right after she dumped me the second time... But she used someone for the last 5 or so months to keep tabs on me....

Once I started dating my current GF... That "Radar watcher"/"snitch" fell off the face of the earth.... Makes sense....lol... I figured it out and my gut feeling has been correct.... She was using this mutual friend to spy on me... Not sure why? Maybe new BF is not cutting it....

Anyways, I cut all contact with her 5 months or so ago...."Complete Radio Silence"....


However my current GF has been keeping me busy enough where the old one is fading off my sight line....

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