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im scared where im going to be after this divorce


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I met my wife 7 years ago married her in march 2017, and we have a 2 year old child together i will always be there for him no matter what, but i feel he's all i got or going to have after this divorce. Prior to meeting her all those years ago i didn't really get out much and had few friends but since then i have lost pretty much lost contact with them. I'm worried my life is going to be working Monday to Friday have my son Friday evenings through to Monday mornings. and never getting out much apart from with my son. or not at all during midweek evenings. I'm hopefully going to keep living in the same house but of course that could be whipped away from me. But will i really want to keep living in a house we created together about 50mins drive to work and 50mins drive in another direction to my family. I moved to this town for her 4 years ago hoping i would make new friends but this never happened. The only friends i have here are hers but i don't really class them as friends i certainly wouldn't want to meet them without her.


Yet i still love her soo much, even after what has happened during the past 9 months. But she wont/don't want us to work anymore its been 1 hell of 12 months 1 which has totally broke me us and our family. I haven't done anything wrong towards her its her that's gone out cheating pushed me away after our miscarriage I'm scared where this is going to end. I don't want a divorce she does but at same time doesn't want to sort solicitors out but leaving it to me. i have never felt this low in my entire life. My work colleagues have been great to me but they've all been through divorces and view once the woman cheats that's it time to move on, where as i feel different as the miscarriage caused her to be like this some sort of depression state I've supported her as best as i can but its hard when your being pushed away. My life is ed

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Your life isn't over and you have to approach one problem at a time. You should talk to a lawyer to figure out what you should do about a divorce. Sometimes not getting a divorce is a strategy. You can also meet other divorced and single parents by talking your child to all the usual kid friendly places and starting conversations up with the women there. You can also get out of your house by joining a divorced parents group which is also a good place to meet women who understands your situation. You can also be a regular at a local pub, coffee shop, ice cream place, etc. where people will see you regularly and might come over and talk to you. You can't hide in your house. You have to get out and meet people.

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Why did she file for divorce after only 9 mos? Why won't you try marriage therapy ? You'll need an attorney one way or the other. To establish custody, visitation, and child support. It's not up to you alone when you see your son or if you get the house, how property is divided and so on.

I'm worried my life is going to be working Monday to Friday have my son Friday evenings through to Monday mornings. and never getting out much apart from with my son. I'm hopefully going to keep living in the same house.
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