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He is still active on dating site


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Figureitout explained it perfectly which makes me sound very messed up and is something i wish i could change, i havent been able to sleep i could be over analysing because it was only one day but im sooo used to him contacting me and the fact he didnt on sunday is slightly strange - maybe his mum didnt like me when she saw me as she spoke to me and may of not liked me i duno too many thoughts running through my head


This is the post that caused me to post about accepting yourself -"messed up" is pretty judgy. You know you are learning to manage dynamics around anxiety and trust - that doesn't mean you're messed up! For me, anxiety and distrust indicates I am relying on a source outside of myself for some aspect of my sense of security.


With regard to him being on line - you wouldn't know unless you were on line, right? In theory, he could be thinking you have been cruising a dating site since the other night.


You guys are way too early and unpredictable to rely on your connection for anything except for fun in the moment. I don't think you're ready for a relationship anyway. Just chill with yourself, let it all evaporate from your mind. He doesn't matter. What is your life path? Do that.


This guy is a blip on your radar.

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Yes it is only fun however he is lying to me in the fact that he is saying how he isnt talking to girls anymore etc


So i mentioned it to him tonight he said he had been online and that he is so used to logging on because he is bored and he hasnt messaged anyone


Said he would delete the app (yet signed in twice after he said this) what a joke


Loser he has been blocked and deleted

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Yes it is only fun however he is lying to me in the fact that he is saying how he isnt talking to girls anymore etc


So i mentioned it to him tonight he said he had been online and that he is so used to logging on because he is bored and he hasnt messaged anyone


Said he would delete the app (yet signed in twice after he said this) what a joke


Loser he has been blocked and deleted


I’m very surprised no one has asked this. What dating app is this and how are you so 100% certain from stalking/spying that he’s active on it? If it’s an app and you’re basing the conclusion on his gps tracker showing, lol, you may be totally wrong. I don’t know the back story on this like a lot of people here seem to, but to me, in this thread, you sound extremely insecure + trust issues + have instincts that this guys not that into you + making huge assumptions / obsessing = bad news bears


You remind me of me a few years ago. I feel for you, girl. I recommend you don’t date and try to work on yourself. The problem is you 😰

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It seems he tells you what he thinks you'll need to hear to get in your pants. Good you blocked and deleted him. Next time date and then discuss being exclusive if you are ready for the next step.

he is saying how he isnt talking to girls anymore etc. he said he had been online and that he is so used to logging on because he is bored and he hasnt messaged anyone
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I’m very surprised no one has asked this. What dating app is this and how are you so 100% certain from stalking/spying that he’s active on it? If it’s an app and you’re basing the conclusion on his gps tracker showing, lol, you may be totally wrong. I don’t know the back story on this like a lot of people here seem to, but to me, in this thread, you sound extremely insecure + trust issues + have instincts that this guys not that into you + making huge assumptions / obsessing = bad news bears


You remind me of me a few years ago. I feel for you, girl. I recommend you don’t date and try to work on yourself. The problem is you 😰


I'm surprised you posted this without taking a few minutes to figure out the backstory. Takes two clicks to see other posts. If posters are referencing a backstory, there's a backstory. Don't go insulting the poster simply because you can't be bothered to figure out the responses.

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