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So confused ... advice needed ASAP

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So ... I have been seeing this guy for 2 months (I know it’s not long but we have been speaking for over 2 years on & off). Everything was amazing, literally. We was spending every other night together, always on the phone/FaceTime ... & then he went away for 3 weeks (his still there, it’s been 2 weeks so far) which I knew about in the beginning. While his been away his called, texted, FaceTimed ... telling me I will be sick of the sight of him when his home, he didn’t realise how much he liked me till his been away etc. We even planned what we was doing the night he gets back. Anyway rewind to 7 days ago ... I was at a close friends funeral, very emotional & clearly had way to much to drink & not enough to eat. I couldn’t get hold of him so sent some pretty nasty messages & we had a phone call where I wasn’t so nice. The next morning I apologised & tried to make things right but he said I was a psycho. He wasn’t interested... & then he started ignoring me so I backed away. Then a few days ago I woke up to a message off him on FB ... telling me he had lost his phone & was messaging me while he can... & checking I was okay. Then today he called me .. asking how I was. I asked if we could talk when his home & he said yeah. A few hours later I received a message saying we won’t be talking when his back, he don’t want anything serious ... just that he wants to be friends. I’m so confused & lost right now ... I don’t know what to do 😔!! Can a male please give me some advice? Thank you

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Well, you've shown the psycho side of yourself and now your bf is afraid and cautious. You've got to do the slow recovery. Go out on some public dates. Don't talk about any heavy subjects. Show that you're stable and sane. Be nice and slightly flirty. Re-establish the friendship and then see if he'll become more romantic.

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