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I have been dating this guy for a year now literally it will be a year this weekend. We are not officially Boyfriend/girlfriend but I made it clear that it was only him that was in my life. He claimed that I was his only one as well. He actually would say that he loved me. In December I found out that he was on a dating website and that he went out with his ex-girlfriend. I told him I was done and he said he was not going to let go of me. So I have him another chance. Well come to find out I am not the only girl in his life. He had been texting another girl and telling her he misses her on New Years eve. He did spend it with me but he still was texting other people and claiming that it was only me in his life. Unfortunately I do miss him and wish he would reach out to me at the least apologize or why not fight for me if he really cared for me as he claimed. I also got him a gift for the 1 year mark. I told him I would mail it to him and he insisted that I not because it would only hurt him, do I still send it? He also still has some of my things, when is the time to reach out and ask for them back. I just really wanted him to see what he was losing and want it back. Is this thought a lost cause...... Should I try to contact him, When we parted I made him delete me from his phone and anything that he had to get a hold of me.....

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Seriously? This guy is a cheater! He didnt care about you like you think he did. You keep taking him back and he keeps doing these things to you and you put up with it. Return the gift, get your money back. If you cant return it, give it to someone else. Have someone else go get your stuff from him, or have that person contact him and ask him to send you the stuff. Or else forget about those things. Why contact him? He treated you badly and you need to take some time to get over him and then find a new guy who will treat you with respect. You need to treat yourself with respect too.

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No, do not send that gift. You two are not and never were a couple; gifting on an anniversary is couple territory.


Yes, it's a lost cause. He isn't into you the way you are into him, putting it bluntly. If he were, you two would have become a couple a long time ago. I am really sorry, as I know it hurts but it's time to cut this cord. He isn't the guy for you.


What belongings of yours does he still have? Are they things you really need?

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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like he did not want an exclusive relationship and wasn't as invested as you hoped. No do not reward this with a gift. Arrange to get your stuff then go strict no contact and block him. You need time away to clear your head and gain perspective as well as reflect on what you want. If you want an exclusive relationship, he's not your guy.

I found out that he was on a dating website and that he went out with his ex-girlfriend.I also got him a gift for the 1 year mark. I told him I would mail it to him and he insisted that I not because it would only hurt him, do I still send it?
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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like he did not want an exclusive relationship and wasn't as invested as you hoped. No do not reward this with a gift. Arrange to get your stuff then go strict no contact and block him. You need time away to clear your head and gain perspective as well as reflect on what you want. If you want an exclusive relationship, he's not your guy.


So I am silly to think that he would ever contact me. When he was with me he was generally a real sweet man and did almost anything for me, my friends would point out to me how good he was to me and I would deny it but knew they were right. Would it really hurt him to receive a gift or is it just his way of getting rid of me???? I just wish I had answers to so many questions and I can't get them if he doesn't reach out to me. I was hoping if I sent the gift that he would but then I would have set myself up for a disaster if I don't hear back from him at all.

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He has some of my clothes, shoes and jewelry. Yes I would really like to have them back. We both exchanged gifts on Christmas for each other. We acted like a couple but just never really had the title. Why would he continue to keep me around if he wasn't that into me? It doesn't make any sense.

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So I am silly to think that he would ever contact me. When he was with me he was generally a real sweet man and did almost anything for me, my friends would point out to me how good he was to me and I would deny it but knew they were right. Would it really hurt him to receive a gift or is it just his way of getting rid of me???? I just wish I had answers to so many questions and I can't get them if he doesn't reach out to me. I was hoping if I sent the gift that he would but then I would have set myself up for a disaster if I don't hear back from him at all.

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