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Break up due to distance


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I recently ended a 1.5 year relationship and after a month and a half he started dating a 16 year old girl(he is 22).They knew each other and used to go out often as friends but I trusted him and I never thought they will date because of the age difference.He also told me that he likes being controlling in a relationship.The main reason why we decided to end it was because he was living abroad.I wasn't sure that I want to move there and he doesn't want to return home either.He is not very close to his family like I am.We also had some arguments during our relationship ,he used to get angry sometimes even called me "stupid" once for no big reason .After breaking up I apologized for every mistake and told him how much it hurts but he didn't care and eventually blocked me.I am feeling very bad what should I do?

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Sorry to hear this. His departure is the best thing that could have happened. No 22 y/o guy has "friends" who are 16 y/o girls. Did he move to a place where a 22 y/o man dating a 16 y/o girl is normal? In time you will date normal decent men who do not boast about being controlling and who are pedophiles. :upset:

he started dating a 16 year old girl(he is 22).They knew each other and used to go out often as friends but I trusted him and I never thought they will date because of the age difference.
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I'm sorry, feel better. Best thing to do is go through the emotions and heal yourself.

LDR are difficult to maintain. Delete all contacts you have for him, since he's blocked you anyway.


Not sure where he lives, but many places would consider that age difference statutory rape if they are

having sex. Age difference isn't so noticeable when you get older , but she's just a kid. Don't worry

about her though, feel empathy for her because she's probably being controlled and treated the same

as he did you, which does not sound like it made you happy at all. You deserve better.

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So he got with somebody else and you learned this how? You should stop learning new things about him. Had you implemented no contact you would not know any of this, hence you wouldn't be hurting. You made a decision to break up. The reasons were valid and have not changed. What is hurting you is your own ego. You need to stop acquiring new information about him as it is toxic for your brain. His actions are irrelevant to you given that you two are no longer an item and your lives are incompatible anyway. You do not get to have a say in his personal choices and they are not about you. This is your ego acting out.

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Well I found out from social media and I asked him , he said they are just friends and then he said that they decided to give a chance to their relationship ,this was before he blocked me . Also after that a friend of mine showed me a photo that he posted on facebook with this girl and that he changed his relationship status.I don't understand how people move so fast because I can't it takes me a lot of time to find a new boyfriend.

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