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Divorce Day

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Tomorrow I will be in court to finalize my divorce. I will be all alone with my attorney. No friends or family can come with me. My heart is smashed into bits.


We finally settled so I will not have to go through a witness trial. This has been a long horrible drama and a nightmare financially.


I have done everything I can do to survive.


My husband has taken me through every possible abuse in this process and continues to do so. Up to and including coming to get the last of his things yesterday which ended up in him insulting me and calling me a thief....and my cussing him out.


I haven't slept in days. My head aches from lack of sleep and stress. I have lost so much in the last year and more over the years of my marriage.


I haven't posted updates because all I can do is cry and keep going. But honestly, I am sick about tomorrow.....just sick about it.


Please keep a positive thought for me. I would appreciate it so much.



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If I could take some of that pain away from you I would...


I've read a lot of your posts. I'm so sorry you (and all of us) are going through this....


Be Strong. Tomorrow will be another day closer to the sunlight*




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You are doing well through a difficult situation and it is nearly over. It will take some time to get past it and move on. Stay positive.


We may be faceless, but we are here and will be in the coming days when you are needing shoulders to cry on.

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i don;t know your story but am going to read your previous posts now but just wanted to say hope it's all over as painfully and quickly as possible. Stay strong and thinking of you x


Sorry just reread this, with as minimal pain for you as possible xx

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My marriage is officially over.


I appreciate all the positive thoughts and support.


I am reeling from the pain and just in a state of shock and horror.


The last years have been so hard. It took me 3 and a half years to divorce that evil abusive man. Then two years after my divorce started I met someone wonderful who was also going through a horrific divorce and our relationship broke under the pressure. I have been recovering from that heart break too.


I don't know how I am still standing but I am.

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It took me 3 and a half years to divorce that evil abusive man.

Be glad you are finally free of an evil and abusive man and can finally breathe again. Focus on all the things you have to look forward to. Like a breath of fresh air! Freedom! A new life! Things can only go up from now on. Make the most of it. Not only a whole new chapter in your life, but rather, a whole new book! Celebrate it. Embrace it.

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Be glad you are finally free of an evil and abusive man and can finally breathe again. Focus on all the things you have to look forward to. Like a breath of fresh air! Freedom! A new life! Things can only go up from now on. Make the most of it. Not only a whole new chapter in your life, but rather, a whole new book! Celebrate it. Embrace it.


Believe me, I am so thankful and grateful to God and the universe for leading me out of this....and proud of myself for finally having the courage to leave him.


I don't feel celebratory. Just .... Exhausted and sad. Hopeful,

but still exhausted and sad. My marriage is over. Im not really up for celebrating that. He destroyed everything he could up to the last second.... Including a relationship that I found as a light after his darkness that made me very happy. But I am truly thankful that I didn't get killed in the process and that my kid is ok too. Things could be a lot worse.


I am very grateful to be able to check in here with all of you. I'm alone tonight and it does help to get your messages. I'm humbled and thankful. ❤️

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