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Ex text me last night/this morning


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I haven't had any contact with my ex in almost a month. I sent her a text last week not to reach but to let her know so and so has her mail and that I want to be left alone. I blocked her number shortly after and that stemmed from a text she sent me trying to find out if I was talking about her on Facebook which I wasn't. We haven't had any other communication other than that. For whatever reason I unblocked her number 2 days ago, I was never expecting bto hear from her, figuring she got the hint and needs to let me be. Today January 7th is the 5yr anniversary of her dad's untimely passing. Again I was never expecting to hear from her. At about 1am she text me phone to phone. It was basically saying hug the dog for me and that it's already hitting her really hard, and that she's sorry for hurting me and that was it. I didn't respond with anything I just left it. I slept on and came to the conclusion she's just wanting attention.

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I think her gf is already sick of her , but idk. I just thought it was odd she would even text me or try and contact me if she already knows that her number was blocked and I told her I wanted no contact


All of that is just you spinning your wheels. Don't let her rent space in your head for free.

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My whole thing is why even txt me or try and get in contact with me. Yeah she gave me back the dog which I think she thought was her on demand access to me whenever she wanted. Which I shut that down blocking from everything.

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My whole thing is why even txt me or try and get in contact with me. Yeah she gave me back the dog which I think she thought was her on demand access to me whenever she wanted. Which I shut that down blocking from everything.


Because you purposely left a door open, along with your words which obviously never matched your actions, (imo). Why not cut the games, say what you mean, and mean what you say?

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Boltnrun I think some part of me wants to. Heartgoes on not sure what you mean. She thinks she's blocked, I never replied to anything that she's sent as far as she knows I never looked at her txt. Also I guess I want her to be miserable and know she's suffering thru the pain like I did after she 1st left

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She's suffering and depressed because she gave back the dog now wishes she didn't, and she knows she'll never see the dog again


Too bad.


Please seek some counseling. You seem to have no boundaries with this woman. She has stomped all over you, and you are still trying to accommodate her.

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Well she just tried to reach out to me again, asking when she can come over to see Mishka (dog) I told nope then tried saying its her dog to which I replied was your dog. She gave me a you txt and kept asking what she did wrong to be treated like this.

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Well she just tried to reach out to me again, asking when she can come over to see Mishka (dog) I told nope then tried saying its her dog to which I replied was your dog. She gave me a you txt and kept asking what she did wrong to be treated like this.


Why did you even reply? I think you're happy you ticked her off.

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