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We didn't end on a bad note, timing wasn't right. What do I do?


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So my ex broke up with close to 2 months ago. I barely talk to her now and its been feeling pretty weird. Her reasons for breaking up with me were that she just wanted to single for a while as for the last few years she has either been dating someone or talking to someone. Obviously I thought that was code for something else so but she seems to get frustrated whenever I say that its for a different reason. She has always given me reason to trust her, but it really was a hit to my confidence and didn't play well with my emotions.


The other day I was talking to my friend who was also going through a break up and really got me thinking again about my own break up. So i contacted my ex and she ended things saying this: “Ive told you a million times and I will keep telling you, you gave me everything I could have ever asked for but the timing for me just wasn’t right”. I have never felt this way about a girl, she meant a whole lot to me and made me so happy, and when she says stuff like that I get all confused. She also tells me how great of an experience it was dating for me and she will forever hold on to the great memories that we've had together.


I can understand wanting to be alone and not having time to live your own life (even though I gave her as much space as she needed) but I just don't know what to do. I'm scared to move on and I'm scared she will move on. And it's been playing with my mind that that was her reason for breaking up with me. Things didn't end on bad terms and she really wants to be friends because I've done so much for her and she stills cares for me. We dated for 6 months and both exchanged "I love you"s. A big part of me still wants her back and I guess my question is if I wait for her or not. Things didn't end badly and we had a very happy relationship. But like I said, I've never felt this way towards any girl and I'm having a hard time with what I should do about this or what is the right thing to do.

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Look, she wanted to let you down easy. She was trying to be nice to you. You were a great boyfriend, but you just weren't ringing her bell. That's all. It's unfair of a lot of women to say, let's be friends because girls don't want to be confrontational and they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. But basically the romantic part of the relationship is over. You should start dating again. Find another girl to be nice to. You might just ring her bell.

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Look, she wanted to let you down easy. She was trying to be nice to you. You were a great boyfriend, but you just weren't ringing her bell. That's all. It's unfair of a lot of women to say, let's be friends because girls don't want to be confrontational and they don't want to hurt the other person's feelings. But basically the romantic part of the relationship is over. You should start dating again. Find another girl to be nice to. You might just ring her bell.


Listen to DanZee. Friendship after a romantic relationship is impossible.


I suggest that you reprogram your brain as soon as possible, because you are going to reach a stage in which she is going to try and find random facts that will upset you further. You do not want to give that emotional power to a girl, you simply don't, trust me on this one. I am currently going through a very bad period in my life, thanks to a similar situation.


Move on. Have a look at the girls you have been postponing to meet because of her, meet new people. This is the only way.


And most importantly cut ALL CONTACT.


Good luck, and I wish you all the best.

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