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I made peace with the ex

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I made peace with the ex

Hello all, and happy New Year for the ones celebrating. My New Years resolution was to make peace with everyone I had problems with and one was my ex. To my surprise she agreed, things were kinda ugly aaaagian lol. Last time we talked in summer and we hooked up and flirted and all that. Anyways I was talking to her a few days ago, she seemed a little flirty, I was asking her what kind of food I should get and she started listening things she remembered about me. Than she asked me what color her eyes were if I remembered, I said ya hazel more green though. She was like damn you I wanted you to say golden! I use to call her golden eyes only when we dated and I tried in summer and she asked me not to say that since we weren’t together I said okay. Now all sudden she wants me to call her golden eyes? Than she sends me a pic of herself saying she needs a diet and I was like why you are beautiful, our way of flirting is kinda of a dissing of each other so she was like don’t you compliment you $hithead so I sent back the winkie face and she sent back 🙄. So yesterday I see her cause she was with my friend they picked me up from bar and we all got food. But now she’s talking about some frat boy I didn’t pay attention or show it bothered me I just let her talk, why flirt with me and all of you are talking to someone? She also found out about my one night stand and she kept asking me both days txting and in person how the girl was and all this and how she’s annoyed blah blah. You don’t see me talking about your guys so? Why do you care ? What I do we are broken up I’m confused on why she flirting and than talking about guys infront of me and I’m sure it was to test me if I have changed or what.

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What I forgot to add was that she kept telling me to come to a party she was at on New Year’s Eve, after midnight she sends a pic of her and her gf saying she was my kiss this year I celebrated with her last year so I’m assuming she wanted me there for a kiss it was my buddies party to

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You, my dear, want her back.

Your "making peace" is your cover.

So....here you are. Hanging in the friend zone, hearing about another guy.

And trying to decode what she means by her words and actions.

This is why it's hard to friend an ex when you want them back.

You can sit there and suck it up, and be friends, or lay it all on the line to her about your feelings.

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