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Did I lose the girl I was meant to be with?


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When I was 11 years old I met a beautiful girl who was also my age. Our parents were close friends so I’d only see her occasionally once a month or so. I remember having a huge crush on her and not even realizing it because “all girls had cooties.” After a few years, it was obvious that she really liked me and I really liked her. At 13 her and her family moved to LA so she can pursue a career in music. I remember the day we had to say bye to each other. She was crying and I was emotionless. It was the first time I felt that kind of pain. After she left, I remember crying as if I lost the most important person in my life and I never loved a girl that much since. I went on to high school and I was dating other girls while she was in love with me in LA and constantly would write me and call me even when I had a gf. We were just “friends” because I needed a girl to be there for me sexually. She was so special to me but being a teenage guy I just wanted sex from girls at school. I didnt care about anything but messing around.. when I turned 18 I changed completely. We never tried dating long distance because I know it wouldn’t work for me.

Anyways.. now we are 23 and her whole family lives in my area and we spent New Years together and she still lives in LA (great singer, making a living out there) she visited for the holidays. She has a boy friend who she’s been with for over 2 years back in LA. When we were eating at the table she randomly brought up the past of how she had the biggest crush on me for many many years (basically since she was 13 till about 19 when she met this guy) he took her virginity and is her first boyfriend. She told everyone at the table how she feels like she really loved me but it wasn’t meant to be because I denied her for many years. The whole time she was talking about it I felt so bad because I was so young and dumb. I ended up talking to her one on one later in the night and she told me that she thought about me every day of her teenage life even when I was in relationships with other girls... I didn’t even know what to say to her. She’s gorgeous and she was my best friend as children but she left and I was a horny teenage boy who let that get the best of me. By the time we were 18 I didn’t even bother reaching out to her because she was this pretty big singer with many fans and I didn’t want to look like I’m coming around just because she has some fame.. I was always kinda afraid, then she ended up meeting this new guy at age 19..

I feel like she still has a spot for me in her heart just like I feel I do for her but she’s been with that guy for so long that I definitely wouldn’t want to get in between them, but what if her and I ARE meant to be now?? Why would she bring all of that up to me? I’m not saying I’m in love with her but she brought back a lot of emotions I’ve had for her in the past.

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Well, chances are her relationship will end some day and then it will be up to you to either pursue her or not. Of course, you might be in a relationship at that time and you might never get together. That's the way these things happen. But you know there's a connection and sometimes childhood friends do get together. So all you can do is see what happens in the future.

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It doesn't sound like you are meant to be now. Her life is in another city and she has a boyfriend. The reasons that kept you apart have not changed. She has a soft spot for you and you have a soft spot for her, hence, going down memory lane, but when all is said and done your lives are still incompatible, unless you plan on moving to LA. Even then, she has a boyfriend and you state that you are not in love with her. Imo, these feelings you are having is more about feeling lonely during the holidays and wishing you had someone than her per se.

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these feelings you are having is more about feeling lonely during the holidays and wishing you had someone than her per se.


I think this as well .....loneliness , the season , it can affect people and your mind starts to wander back to when you felt happiness that didn't involve your ex and clutching at anything to make you feel a bit better .


I am sure she does have a spot in her heart for you , you grew up together and if now she has met up with you at the family thing , if she feels more , then I am sure she will soon let you know , but as it stands she is another mans girl and that is how her life is now .

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I do agree she seems to have a soft spot for you, but I think she's already moved on from her past feeligs for you, hence she can talk casually about that now. I think this is an opportunity for you settle & move forward, to let go of the regrets you may have for the things you did & did not.

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Reminiscing about childhood crushes is fine. However you were not "meant to be" if she has a bf. It's best to live in reality and date real time, real life women, if you want to have a gf of your own.

She has a boyfriend who she’s been with for over 2 years back in LA
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Reminiscing about childhood crushes is fine. However you were not "meant to be" if she has a bf. It's best to live in reality and date real time, real life women, if you want to have a gf of your own.


Yeah, I agree. I got back in touch with my college crush when I was a newly wed. We had a two hour convo about why he chose to finally ask me out the day I was leaving, granted, he didn't know I was moving away, the turd asked me out the day I was leaving!! We laughed reminisced and that was that.


We all have that 'one that got away' we don't all romanticize it though, 8 times out of 10 because life is messy, we move on, her bringing it up could have been simply because she wanted to get it off her chest finally, that was my reasoning, I had no intention of running off to his state and having an illicit affair.


Would I get with him now that I'm single? In a heartbeat, but now he has a fiancé 😂 So clearly the universe is telling us we are not meant to be, lol. My point is, no, I don't think she wants you to interrupt her current relationship. What happened to the other girl?

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Yeah, I agree. I got back in touch with my college crush when I was a newly wed. We had a two hour convo about why he chose to finally ask me out the day I was leaving, granted, he didn't know I was moving away, the turd asked me out the day I was leaving!! We laughed reminisced and that was that.


We all have that 'one that got away' we don't all romanticize it though, 8 times out of 10 because life is messy, we move on, her bringing it up could have been simply because she wanted to get it off her chest finally, that was my reasoning, I had no intention of running off to his state and having an illicit affair.


Would I get with him now that I'm single? In a heartbeat, but now he has a fiancé 😂 So clearly the universe is telling us we are not meant to be, lol. My point is, no, I don't think she wants you to interrupt her current relationship. What happened to the other girl?


She visits about every other month and I’m really close to her brothers and sisters (all 5 of them). I feel like I will be life long friends with her whole family just because we are all grown up and always gotten a long.

As for the other girl, I feel like we are reserving each other until she’s “ready” to be in a relationship. I remember her telling me that her and I have a “soul contract” and I asked what she meant by that and she said something about being together in this life for some kind of purpose. I was still confused so I never real understood what a “soul contract” was. She’s a spiritual person and believes in reincarnation and all that stuff. For example last night was a full moon so she was busy meditating with her best friend. Basically what I’m trying to say is I feel like she likes me and is reserving herself for me because ik for a fact she’s not seeing other guys.. but I am very confused to what I should do.. I’m basically not doing anything but focusing on myself and at this point I’m letting her make the calls.. I honestly don’t know how long I want to be confused like this but as of rn I’m fine.

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Sorry but this all sounds like fancy Hocus Pocus to string you along and keep you in the friendzone. When will she date you...in your next life? :suspicion:

I remember her telling me that her and I have a “soul contract” and I asked what she meant by that and she said something about being together in this life for some kind of purpose. She’s a spiritual person and believes in reincarnation and all that stuff.
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A soul connection doesn't mean two people will be together , you will cross many soul mates in your life , men and women , some will stay in your life and some will come to serve a purpose or learn from you . So I wouldn't read into what she said at all ...she meant ( I think , as a spiritualist ) she simply meant you and her have connected on a deep level and will always be there for one another .

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A soul connection doesn't mean two people will be together , you will cross many soul mates in your life , men and women , some will stay in your life and some will come to serve a purpose or learn from you . So I wouldn't read into what she said at all ...she meant ( I think , as a spiritualist ) she simply meant you and her have connected on a deep level and will always be there for one another .


She said “we have a soul contract” “I had one with my close friend lance until he became too controlling and too attached.” She basically made it sound like they were bf and gf... that’s why I’m confused lol I feel like she didn’t want to directly say we are dating because that would be weird since I never asked if we were.

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A soul connection doesn't mean two people will be together , you will cross many soul mates in your life , men and women , some will stay in your life and some will come to serve a purpose or learn from you . So I wouldn't read into what she said at all ...she meant ( I think , as a spiritualist ) she simply meant you and her have connected on a deep level and will always be there for one another .


Ehh I still think she meant you two are meant to be together for a purpose other than lovers...like saving kids in Ghana or something...don't read into it too much, it's not significant.


She sounds like a hippy.

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I didn't read the conversation under your post. Maybe you updated some information below... anyway... The first question that came across my mind was "Have you ever told her what you have written above?". I think (from the woman's perspective) that this is the key.


My heart would jump out of my chest if I were in her position and read such a confession (including the part of "being too horny to be alone"). Really. Having a requited love didn't happen often in once life... Sometimes never. So don't throw it out of the window.

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Ehh I still think she meant you two are meant to be together for a purpose other than lovers...like saving kids in Ghana or something...don't read into it too much, it's not significant.


She sounds like a hippy.


She is basically a hippy but she’s not sexually free like a lot of hippies are lol she’s a conservative hippy if that makes sense haha. When she’s with me she doesn’t seem like a hippy but on social media and around other “hippies” including her best friend she’s very hippy. I’m not taking it hardly. I was just adding on to everything I already said in previous posts.

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I didn't read the conversation under your post. Maybe you updated some information below... anyway... The first question that came across my mind was "Have you ever told her what you have written above?". I think (from the woman's perspective) that this is the key.


My heart would jump out of my chest if I were in her position and read such a confession (including the part of "being too horny to be alone"). Really. Having a requited love didn't happen often in once life... Sometimes never. So don't throw it out of the window.


No I’d never tell her something like that lol. It’s the truth. I was young and wanted to experience girls physically like any teenage boy would. You’re right but I feel like it’s too late. The guy she is with is in his 30s and a great guy.

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Maybe the relationship is impossible right now but who knows what happens next... Life is long and you both are young. Many people won't stay with the same partner the whole life (unfortunatelly, sometimes).


For that reason I won't take that "great guy" into consideration much. It is your life, your happiness. Do you really believe that someone else (him?) would care about you and your feelings? After all, it's her who will make the final decision.


And let me tell you that if a woman is saying such things to a guy she MUST count with the option that he feels the same to her... Maybe she hoped for it. The other thing is (as I said) what she would do with it (i mean your confession). She might be just provoking you and boosting her ego, playing some game with you (hard to tell, I don't know her)... but you won't know until you try. At least, one day you could tell yourself that you did as much as possible to be with her.

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Reminiscing about childhood crushes is fine. However you were not "meant to be" if she has a bf. It's best to live in reality and date real time, real life women, if you want to have a gf of your own.


Totally agree with the above. You're not soulmates. That's your fantasy and wishful thinking, wanting what you can't have. Friends? sure. Soulmates? NO.

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I note this is the second time now that you make rude, offensive and derogatory remarks about women. Please, just stop.


WHAT!? Derogatory remark!? LOL! Cooties is what boys and girls said the opposite sex had as in “ewwy germs” that’s not a derogatory remark about women lol

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A soul connection doesn't mean two people will be together , you will cross many soul mates in your life , men and women


I agree with this. Sometimes you feel more of a connection with some people than you do with other people. That's just how it is. It doesn't necessarily mean you are supposed to be together. It just means that you "get" each other, and that is nice.


Let it be. Especially since she has a boyfriend right now.

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