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So here is my story:


I lived in Brazil for the last 2 years. Met a girl back in April and we dated casually. I left Brazil in August to Travel across Europe for two months before coming back to start a new job in New York (where I am from) in October. Right before I left we agreed to become boyfriend and girlfriend and to try long distance and then she’d come to New York in January. She comes from a poor family so I helped her or financially. Paid for English clssses for her, her passport and a visa. The type of visa she was getting was a girl friend visa.


Ok as I was traveling she kept accusing me of cheating on her. I agreed to change my flight and cut my trip short to spend my last week with her before I go back to work. Shortly after she’s broke up with me saying she couldn’t trust me. We don’t talk for a week and then I spoke to her again and I asked her if she was seeing someone cause it made no sense. She said she met someone but that it was just a friend. I got mad cause I thought she had been cheating on me cause she said she met someone. She said no and it was a friend.


I go to Brazil for a week and she’s acting strange. But her family throws a huge bbq for me and everyone in her family knows me as her boyfriend. And we agreed to get back together before I left back to the states.


I go back to the states and she continues to act flakey. She won’t add me back on social media (I had deleted her when we broke up while I was in Europe but tried to add her again). She kept saying she would add me but never did.


I tried breaking up with her her a few times cause I told her I thought she wansnt interested or seeing someone else. She would deny it and ask to work it out.


Eventually I saw on her Instagram account some guy who would always flirt with her. I broke up with her again and two days later that same guy puts That he’s in a relationship with her in his Facebook.


I reach out to him and find out that they had been dating the whole time and how he knew about me and told her to tell me that she wasn’t seeing anyone. She also told him that I was just a crazy friend and that we never were together and she told him that I just made it up to everyone that we were together.


When I confronted her she denied it but then said she did it cause I betrayed her first. When I asked when and with Who she said “I don’t know but I now you did it”


Right now I’m really depressed. They are together and she posts Pics if them. She looks happy and pretty and says she loves him. And it really hurts me. I don’t want to be with her, but it hurts that she did this and looks happy now.

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Yeah, I think she's taking you for a ride and taking your money. I would warn you about any kind of online dating because you don't know who these people really are, and it's best to stay with people in your own area so you can actually see them and talk to them in person. 60% of communication is non-verbal as you found out when you met your "girlfriend" in person and saw that there was something flakey with her. Also a lot of people in foreign countries are trying to get to the US and the EU and is using online dating to do it. Don't get used and cut off all contact with this girl. You can't trust her.

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Yeah, I think she's taking you for a ride and taking your money. I would warn you about any kind of online dating because you don't know who these people really are, and it's best to stay with people in your own area so you can actually see them and talk to them in person. 60% of communication is non-verbal as you found out when you met your "girlfriend" in person and saw that there was something flakey with her. Also a lot of people in foreign countries are trying to get to the US and the EU and is using online dating to do it. Don't get used and cut off all contact with this girl. You can't trust her.



Well I was in Brazil beforehand. I met her in person. We were dating and then I left Brazil for two months to travel. I didn’t think she was using me cause I was the one insisting that she should come to New York and I insisted on the English classes. We had a huge fight cause she didn’t want my help. She said “if I’m gonna change around my life, it will be on my own accord” So that’s why I didn’t think she was using me.


I don’t know why she could be so cruel.

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