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Was i wrong? Or was he a player?


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it did chip a piece of his car. he sent me the picture. and as for a bonafide drama queen? definitely not.


But you said there was no damage, and now you say there was.... you're losing your credibility dear.


Anyway, how would you classify your behavior?


All this BS, including throwing a rock at his car....after only 2.5 WEEKS dating?


Yes it's definitely way too much drama, and from the sounds of it, you are the one causing it.


You simply cannot allow yourself to become this unhinged over a guy after only 2.5 weeks dating. Or ever, really.


Dial it back and why do you care whether or not he contacts you again? SMH


Delete him and move the hell on from this lunacy!

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i don’t know, but enlighten me. i know what i did and i know how i acted, i apologized to him and i left it alone. but like i told that girl down there, out of anger, people do a lot of crazy stuff, throwing a rock but not damaging his car, was just a breeze. i heard of people who have keyed cars, set cars on fire, all sorts of stuff, so what i did wasn’t nothing compared to what the next girl might do to him. just saying. if i damaged his car he would of press charges, so..

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So if he does reach out it will be only for sex?


I can't say, probably but I'm only getting a portion of your story. He was either playing you to get sex or he was interested, you two had sex, you became vulnerable and in turn needy and that pushed him away. I don't know his intentions, none of us here do, the only one who does is him.




Calm down relax, no need to take things personal, if someone made a snide comment about my grandmother yes I'd be pissed, pissed enough to throw a rock? No, but only because I'm a grown woman, I'd be a hypocrite to act as if I acted maturely as a young girl and you are a young girl who again just learned a valuable lesson, you cannot be out here having sex with random men, you are not cut out for it.


Again, I don't know his intentions player or not you may never know because sex clouded your judgement, and you kinda went 0-100, to avoid that, well you already know what I'm gonna say 😊

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You aren't responsible for the kind of man he is, you are only responsible for your own actions. And you made a whole series of poor choices. Those choices were poor because you were not taking time to think through the concequences. Not only short term, but long term. You made choices that could cause harm to others, and most certainly to yourself. They are the kind of choices that can seriously harm for your future, if you choose to continue them and not to learn from them.


Have a nice calm think. What would you do differently next time around and why?

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