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Said he isn't in the mindset to date anyone, Now is giving me more attention than ever...


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I appreciate the advice. I've been happily talking to another guy, recently we had a deeper talk and I'm really liking this new guy. I'm not waiting around for my "ex" or whatever you wanna call him lol. I just made the post because I truly don't get his behavior. I've had guys do this before... leave me after we get serious in feelings.. and then when I graciously just say ok and let them go they like panic and start to get almost clingy and initiate things all over again... its SO FRUSTRATING to me. because it's like you can have such great potential with someone who keeps putting up a wall after it goes well... oh well. I just really do not get it. Like I treated him like a king, he even said so himself....


But anyways the new guy I've moved on to seems like a gentleman. is kind. and good with kids. i'm happy. :)

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I said I am dating someone else lol. but thanks for the advice I appreciate it.


I didn't come at you sideways so the passive aggressive response was unnecessary. You aren't a victim to these men, I wish you luck with the new guy, but meeting someone new doesn't erase the fact that you posted about this guy which is what people are responding to. I'm glad you think you've magically cured yourself but again, no need to be passive aggressive to people just trying to respond to your question.

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"I didn't come at you sideways so the passive aggressive response was unnecessary. You aren't a victim to these men, I wish you luck with the new guy, but meeting someone new doesn't erase the fact that you posted about this guy which is what people are responding to. I'm glad you think you've magically cured yourself but again, no need to be passive aggressive to people just trying to respond to your question. "


I wasn't trying to be passive aggressive? I was just trying to clear it up in case you didn't read it in my post?.. I even said thanks for the advice and that I appreciate it.. because I do lol. It wasn't intended to be taken as aggressive, just thanking you and letting you know where I'm at! lol but once again thanks and sorry you felt that way! :)

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