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Looking into the New Year - List of Resolutions and Goals


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Going into the new year, I have taken some time to reflect on some things that I need to work on. Lately, I realize that I am quite a high-strung individual. Everywhere I go it seems that I need to get there fast and get it done as quick as possible. I want to look into ways where I can be less high-strung and more relaxed. Possibly meditating once a day would be a good start to this.


Even though I may be in a hurry to get things done outside of the house, once I am at home I do not really accomplish much aside from regularly doing my at-home workouts. I want to change this and become more productive with keeping the home organized and reducing the clutter. I find that I am constantly tired after work, so I have made a doctor's appointment to see if I have any vitamin deficiencies that could contribute to me being tired.


Furthermore, I would like to take better care of myself and work on ways to improve my self-confidence. I have been recently getting my nails done regularly, and have gotten my hair done. I have been working out; however, I feel that the workouts need to be more consistent.


Lastly, I wish to become more mindful with my money. I should be able to save way more than I currently am. I have made myself a budget to follow from March 2018 - December 2018. The budget starts in March as I have a 3 week trip to Europe coming up in February and have another budget for this trip that has already been drawn up.


So basically a short list of what I want to accomplish:

- Become less high-strung when accomplishing things outside of the house

- Become more productive at home

- Increase self-confidence - love myself more and try to take as best care of myself as possible

- Make my workouts more consistent, but still have balance

- Budget my money more effectively

- Complete at least one course at work


Does any one have any advice on how to implement these goals? Specific things that I could do in order to achieve them?


Furthermore, does anyone have a specific set of goals or certain things they wish to improve on in the new year?? Maybe we can start a discussion about accomplishing goals :)


Thank you!

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Enlist the right people to help and motivate and advise you. For example get a personal trainer and meet at the gym regularly. Get a cleaning lady once a week to get the ball rolling at your home. Get a financial planner and an accountant to discuss your long, intermediate and short term financial goals. You will learn a lot and develop good habits that last.

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I'm hoping to


Eat healthier (less alcohol, try to cut fizzy altogether, less junk).

Exercise more (never done a proper workout in my life).

Like the OP, declutter/gut out my room of ***** so I can move out easily when the time comes.

Go on at least one date (been single 3 years with very little attention and it's getting very old).

Read more. Don't think I finished any books this year. Started about five though!

Draw more. The only accomplishment of 2017 I'm proud of was filling a sketchbook. Next year I want to start (and complete) something substantial. And maybe sell it!

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1. Sleep. The most impactful habit for me to achieve.

2. Weights and sprints and competitions

3. Cook for people

4. Fix, toss, let go

5. Be on time for one thing each day

6. Shift weight stasis to 130 or below

7. Write notes to people / Show people how much I value them

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Enlist the right people to help and motivate and advise you. For example get a personal trainer and meet at the gym regularly. Get a cleaning lady once a week to get the ball rolling at your home. Get a financial planner and an accountant to discuss your long, intermediate and short term financial goals. You will learn a lot and develop good habits that last.


Great advice! I always think, when it comes to exercise too, that a friend is always good to recruit because it keeps both of you on track.

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I'm hoping to


Eat healthier (less alcohol, try to cut fizzy altogether, less junk).

Exercise more (never done a proper workout in my life).

Like the OP, declutter/gut out my room of ***** so I can move out easily when the time comes.

Go on at least one date (been single 3 years with very little attention and it's getting very old).

Read more. Don't think I finished any books this year. Started about five though!

Draw more. The only accomplishment of 2017 I'm proud of was filling a sketchbook. Next year I want to start (and complete) something substantial. And maybe sell it!


When it comes to fizzy drinks, at first it was really hard for me to cut them out. I found drinking sparkling water/club soda helps me a lot when I crave a fizzy drink. Especially with some lime, it does taste good. That is what helped me at least :) What types of books are you interested in? I should really have that goal as well, I only read about 2-3 books in 2017.

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1. Sleep. The most impactful habit for me to achieve.

2. Weights and sprints and competitions

3. Cook for people

4. Fix, toss, let go

5. Be on time for one thing each day

6. Shift weight stasis to 130 or below

7. Write notes to people / Show people how much I value them


Sleep is definitely hard to achieve; at least a good, interrupted sleep is. What type of weight training do you do?? I have actually never weight trained but I do want to start this year. I do more of a plyometric/HIIT type of program with very little amount of weights. I also think letting go is a very good goal to have. I know I carry a lot of weight/stress around by not letting things go and stressing out about them.

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1. Let go of the guilt

2. work on controlling my emotions

3. Exercise more and enter races (I used to be a runner)

4. Golf

5. Move to a new town and a new job

6. Volunteer more and help people more

7. Make new friends


Good luck to everyone on your resolutions! I write in a journal and keep them in my journal so that I can keep track of how I am doing and how I am achieving each one of these goals.


A journal is a fantastic idea! I think it is something I will pick up today. Do you keep sort of a weekly/monthly log of your goals?


What type of races did you do that involved running? Also what area of volunteering are you interested in?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let the things I can't change go

Overthink less and relax more

Save 20k by end of the year

Read 20 books by the end of the year

Strength my friendships and make new wonderful memories

Join toastmasters

Lose 10 lbs

Exercise 3-4 times a week

Learn a new skill (currently thinking of taking up a self defense course)

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What types of books are you interested in? I should really have that goal as well, I only read about 2-3 books in 2017.


Mainly fiction - ones with fantasy or scifi elements I enjoy the most. Starteda bunch of Tolkien short stories last year but never finished them. Used to devour anything by Haruki Murakami, but never got round to his last one. Seemed to divide critics at the time of release. Will probably work my way through a top 20 list of some kind, of all the books you're "supposed" to have read like To Kill A Mockingbird, Ulysses etc!

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